The deformed art style could absolutely work for a game.
The deformed art style could absolutely work for a game.
Honestly, we ought to just get it over with nationally. This ridiculous obsession with the imperial system is just... I can’t even call it properly lazy, it’d almost be easier to just deal with it. Short sighted? Short sighted is probably closer.
While I’m not all that interested, a quick glance at wikileaks doesn’t show an tank manuals. Jet manuals yes, tank manuals no. No idea about other countries though, albeit I suspect they would given how common these manuals would have to be.
I mean, depends on the cooking show? The baking ones are pretty awful, but chopped/iron chef/etc are actually at least about cooking.
I do occasionally eat vegetables for breakfast, but it’s generally something more along the lines of greenbeans and bacon, or an omelette or scramble. Admittedly though, I just don’t eat much salad in general.
I mean, on the one hand I support more focus on PC development, on the other I’ll believe it when I see it. Even basic things like graphics options and key rebinding get forgotten some of the time these days. You want me to believe in a PC focus, I’m going to expect at a minimum things like PC specific UI and options.
Amusingly, despite having actually tried (and liked) their new fries a few times, I’m still not taking advantage of any this due to the app part. Still, the new fries are definitely much better than the awful old ones.
I know... so I just leave the tab open to latest. Why bother renavigating?
Cheers mate - got mine from the EVGA elite queue. Although there was still a markup from nVidia just before launch.
They’ve been doing that on GPUs for... most of a year now? Other hardware too really, the GPUs are just most notable. They buy the hardware from Amazon, then resell it over Amazon at a markup and since Amazon makes money twice, why would they object?
I’m at once less impressed by the game, and less upset by it if that makes sense? I suppose more directly, I had low expectations going in, and they were met. Admittedly, there are things that frustrate me (turret design, and ability design in general sticks out), and bluntly the game just isn’t that high quality all…
I’d agree if you wanted to call both loot games, D2 clone says something else though. By that standard we’d be talking about Destiny, Shadow Warrior 2, etc as D2 clones as well, but honestly while those games certainly are loot based, and could even arguably be called BL clones reasonably (or maybe HGL clones?), there…
Honestly, systems can be ported cross genre, but still be different genres. As much as I see Gearbox’s point from back when they called the games RPS, I can’t really call something which is based on a different type of gameplay the same genre even if it does have loot and abilities in it.
Out of all of those, none except BL3 and TL3 are recent, TL3 was a stumbling move from another game, and the Borderlands games are a different genre entirely (though since I love loot games, I am fond of them - albeit BL3 was a disappointment). Honestly, even counting everything I’m familiar with here I definitely…
I didn’t buy the remake, but I go back once every few years to play the original, and honestly have no idea what you’re on about as far as the genre going... anywhere. There just aren’t that many D2 clones, and most of them are not very good comparatively. The ones that are not only come out rarely, but generally…
Much like many other issues (such as pollution), the consumer may get blamed a lot for ‘participating’, but at the end of the day they’re neither the one doing this, nor the one able to fix it. Frankly the biggest thing the public can do is bring attention to an issue, because the way issues on this scale get…
Mental illness is generally called such for a reason - I suppose I can’t claim out and out there’s nothing in the DSM that does what this claims, but I can tell you bluntly that neither depression nor anxiety help your ‘richness’ of life, quite the opposite. They’re horribly destructive to ‘richness’, quality, and…
I’ve got to admit, Pathfinder never really struck me as that crunchy, but given I moved to it as 3.5/PF, that may be because of the nature of how I used it (at that point it was just adding another handful of books to all the others).
You’re more generous than I am - I’m not sure I would credit any reasons, or reasonable ones at least for the move away from forums in this sense. You got it right when you pointed out how utterly different the two things are.
This is an understatement, last I read on piracy it actually increases sales. Yes though, it’s an astounding comment on the corrupt and disconnected nature of the people that make these decisions that Denuvo is still in business and being used.