
I absolutely hear you. I think the ‘new’ game I enjoyed most was Deep Rock Galactic coming out of early access. Which shouldn’t really count. I can’t recall the last year that was so dead gaming wise.

I’m ok with this conceptually, it’s been nearly a decade since I quit LoL, but I quite like a lot of their design and videos, so I wouldn’t object in principle. No idea if it’ll be good obviously though.

Honestly, the best example of this in my view is Diablo 3. It’s also one the oldest examples. The game was so broken on launch that it defies belief. Gear was misplaced entirely by multiple acts in the final difficulty. End game was basically nonfunctional. And that’s before you consider things like the story being

I was under the impression it was just a VRAM upgrade, am I wrong? I’ve got to admit, I’m not following the leaks closely.

I’m giving them the extra months. Admittedly that’s because I had trouble getting the GPU I want, so I’m delaying building a new PC till early next year. It does however help that by the time there’s a good stock of 3080s in, this game will probably be in a better place.

On the one hand, I see your general point here, on the other Blizzard has been clearly awful since the whole Blizzard North fiasco back around 2003. They haven’t been a decent company since a point predating the release of WoW. And I’m not sure Bethesda was ever viewed that way, at least as far back as I recall they

I do not play this, but my immediate question would be whether this is more effective than both of them just attacking the enemy separately. Is the damage increase so big it does more than that?

I react like this basically every time I run into this kind of concept (albeit more with the other part of this than the basic one). It’s like authors never bother to think through the ethical implications of eternal torment, being you know, eternal. It’s effectively impossible to justify, because it will always be

I absolutely hear you, I’d been planning to build after ordering during the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales since the benchmarks for the 3080 were leaked. However, I didn’t expect their stocking problems to be this over the top, at this rate it looks like I’m not going to be building a new PC till well into next year.

I don’t know if it says more about me or current trends that I thought about it for a while, then went and checked if Penny Arcade was serious.

Eh, 3080s still aren’t in stock anyways, I probably won’t build a new computer till next year anyways at this point.

Honestly, this pretty much lost my... well, I was going to say attention, but I’ll probably watch it out of vague curiosity, but I have no intention to buy it. Removing skills from Borderlands, leave you with what, character model differences between characters? It just doesn’t seem compelling.

Honestly, as cute as the cat thing is, it’s the mention of Mario RPG combat mechanics which made me think I might give this a shot.

So many times. Most recently, a crash in DRG caused me to lose my saves entirely for the game somehow. Thankfully they have a restore save button for backups. Still, unfortunately this happens to me a lot. Ranging from saves where the game seems to get corrupted later in the game even if I switch save files (twice

I’m going to agree with your earlier responder. They’re near ubiquitous in gaming, and rarely serve any real purpose. While I don’t react as badly as the author does here (well, at least not to video game spiders, real life ones are a different story), I also rarely see the point in games. It’d be one thing if

This. I actually found this article somewhat uncomfortable to read, admittedly this is partially because I have health problems, but I use gaming and character creators to get away from such things.

I’ll be honest, I approve, but I’m both hearing impaired and socially anxious anyways. I do think that the modern advent of alternate forms of communication in games has really helped though. I’ve been playing Deep Rock Galactic again after a year+ break, and it’s incredible how callouts and tagging things can manage

I hadn’t really cared about this, given I didn’t intend to do a new build till November, but now it’s looking like I might have to delay. Pity, I wanted to play Cyberpunk 2077, but eh I guess it ought to be discounted by then at least.

I buy consoles for games, not the opposite.

Now there’s a thing. I staffed for HGG, and I’ll tell you this directly - the alpha was better than the release. That’s how bad it got screwed up. Their funding deal was fucking weird frankly. They had money they had to spend on certain things, but they didn’t really have the flexibility to finish their game. That