
This is my usual method, since I live a couple blocks from a drop box. Honestly though, it’s perfectly fine to use the mail, just maybe make sure to send it in early rather than waiting till the last moment.

I hear you, I eat more when I’m depressed or upset. Which given multiple mental disorders is a serious problem. Particularly in combination with having had to drop a hundred pounds when I was younger, resulting in a drastically slowed metabolism.

I kind of agree with you about the DLC (and despised the writing in BL3 as a whole), but hammering on Borderlands as a whole for its writing? No. Maybe the previous games weren’t particularly serious, but their writing tended to be good at what they were going for.

Better to draw from the design of the LotR movies than The Hobbit movies anyways.

This is a great point, and honestly it’s been a problem for years. I’m not opposed to numeric scores the way you are, but critic scores are even less useful than user scores these days. I first realized this when D3 was released to near universal acclaim, while I was playing the trashfire that it was at launch. Even

Yeah, that was hard. I actually have this system in storage still and only guessed two of these.

Respectable of them. I don’t think it’ll actually have any impact, but respectable of them.

Frankly, even as someone who actually is a long term fan of the series, this is a terrible idea. And I don’t mean the casting, which I don’t really care about. I mean the entire idea of a film adaption.

Matcha. It’s for the health though. I’m definitely much more of a coffee person in terms of actual enjoyment (which I take made thick with coconut milk, french press).

They’re saying they’re going to nerf M10 as well, there’s a post up on the forums as of a few hours ago. Yeah though, that simply won’t fix the problem. The issue is with the underperforming gear, not that M10 is too hard.

Fair. I just replayed it leveling another character, and distanced from my disgust during my earlier examination of the story I had to admit some of the ideas had promise. Even the ones that had promise weren’t executed well though. And that ignores things like what happened to the coming war, the Watcher, etc, etc.

I prefer the OPQ System honestly. Sure, the Yellowcake is a rare example of a rocket launcher that doesn’t suck (and I do carry one), but the OPQ is the best AR in the game by such an extent that it’s ridiculous, and a much cleaner experience to use.

It’s kind of interesting how well Sony generally does in this area. Other console makers are much less consistent honestly. Contrastingly, Sony’s worst console was what, the PS3 at 87 million units apparently? That’s ridiculous, even Nintendo has much more off generations than that.

RIP Westwood. One of the earlier demonstrations of how awful EA is. Also, isn’t this being made by Petroglyph, not EA?

I disagree on your priorities here. Creating a character isn’t just something you check off before playing, or even a simple decision on playstyle, but an experience in itself. Depending on the game it can be both enjoyable and meaningful in the long run.

So hey, maybe someone here can clarify something for me. I’m not much for streams, but I was reading some comments the other day (on Reddit I think) about streamers who had said something supportive of China not getting a punishment. Did this happen? I mean, the situation is bad enough as is, but there’s a difference

Suikoden II, pretty much without a doubt. The first game was good, but the second was so well done that it surprised and remains I would argue one of the greatest JRPGs to date.

It’s a throwback to Demon Souls I’d argue. That and it has a lot of design issues and bugs (see, lock on). I will say I found the more responsive movement a relief after Dark Souls though personally. Honestly though, the game does have some problems. I think I died more than twice to only one boss, but made up for it

I play MMOs. I suspect that’s enough to understand the problem, but... Yeah, that launcher launcher? Sounds like a good idea to me.

The Borderlands remaster. I put it off since I was in mid Dark Souls 2 (been working on my backlog), but I’ve finally gotten to play it. Honestly impressed, particularly for something they gave us free. I will say though that I’m disappointed the new guns are part locked. They’re absurdly good, so it’s regrettable