
Cleaning up some of my backlog, more specifically I’ve finally gotten around to playing Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. Honestly enjoying it, it made me consider how much more I tend to enjoy this type of absurdist theme. As strange as it may be, I often find them more compelling than settings that try for realism.

Honestly, while I know it’s the same amount of time I feel like there was less change packed into the last sixteen years than the previous. At least in the sense that such a game would encapsulate. It actually makes me worried in a strange way for progress.

I mean, lets be entirely honest here I was going to buy this either way, but I will admit that I’m appreciating the sneak peek at what we’re going to be getting here.

Still playing with Grim Dawn’s expansion, but considering starting to work on my backlog again. Which I’ve actually been doing decently on for a couple years, it’s down to around 50-ish games now. Not so well this one though.

By double the enemies, do they mean active enemies? I recall it limited those to 12 at a time, which was disappointing. I could definitely go for murdering larger numbers of demons at once.

I mean, to be clear here it was obvious that company went down after the whole Blizzard North/Vivendi fiasco a decade and a half ago. Not saying I disagree (if anything you’re understating things, and didn’t even get into D3's itemization or the bastardization of bnet), but this isn’t really a suprise.

Grim Dawn, one of my friends who rarely games got me back into it, and I found out there’s a new expansion out I didn’t have. Been sinking my teeth into that with the new masteries.

Grim Dawn. One of my friends contacted me and wanted to play Titan Quest, but I convinced him to try out their newer game. Which works for me as well, since I haven’t played it since the expansion came out. Currently working on a Soldier/Necromancer and thinking about starting something up with the other new mastery

I’m one of the people doing it, and we are generally perfectly aware that what we’re doing is likely pointless outside of the badge. There’s a certain enjoyment of gaming the system I suppose, but admittedly this is nowhere near as interesting as the previous game.

Yeah, this was what I played back then. LoZ didn’t catch on with me till later console generations.

No Tales of Vesperia? Heresy.

Honestly tri-Ace used to be one of my favorite developers, but bluntly they didn’t so much go downhill as crater with the release of Infinite Undiscovery. I don’t even understand how they managed to go from such consistently good games, to such consistently bad ones. They’ve released barely anything worth playing in

I’ll be honest, I forgot I’d read this series till I started going through this article. It’s not that the books are horrible or anything, but they failed to make an impression.

Even apart from the absurdity of a platform mainly used for virtual violence opposing virtual sex, our hangups as a society about sex in general are not healthy.

Just put it in a citrus smoothy, you’ll barely be able to notice, and honestly the additional peppery flavor isn’t bad. Albeit I usually use baby kale.

I’d honestly prefer it be the original studio, owell though. At least I also enjoyed Mad Max. Still, pity I actually liked Rage’s environmental aesthetics.

There are two ways I can see this. One, we don’t include CRPGs, in which case it goes to the PS1 which has the largest collection of JRPGs. Two we do include them, in which case it’s hard to argue against PC for the library. Past that, people will likely favor whichever console their favorite(s) is/are on.

The majority of my memories are from back when they were AoS and mostly on WC3. I think there may have been more of them in those custom maps than outside the game in total.

Warframe, returned to it after a four year break a bit ago, and I’ve been working on catching up on all the missed stuff. Still a good bit off, but getting better now. I just managed to collect all the unvaulted stuff that was recently returned to the vault, and just unveiled an Amprex riven (regrettably not a

Booted back up Warframe for the first time in four years. I’m still busy trying to wrap my head around the changes.