
I agree, both specifically and in general. I mean I have nothing against this kind of list (although I do think they ought to specifically indicate who decided the list in the title), but the library of the PC is simply mindblowingly large. I wouldn't believe anyone telling me they'd played even every game that a

While I'm not entirely certain what it was, they've since switched where the video they're using is from, and now it functions fine. So I'd presume it was due to the site being used.

Video not found.

If we're talking about the original, you have a point. In a bizarre turn around though, BL2 actually had one of the better written stories of 2012. Jack was a damned good villain.

Am I the only one that hates the new trend of measuring the resolution they want to sell in the longest dimension, and the old one in the shortest? It's ridiculous. Even more so than this huge amount of rounding.

Xenogears, and Suikoden II. The pair had countless touching moments, but in particular I recall Fei's interplay with Dan in Xenogears, and the friendship between the protagonist and Joei Atreides in Suikoden II.

Can't deny it, they're one of the companies that causes me the most pain these days. RIP Blizzard North I suppose. That Vivendi fiasco with them and Roper turned into a huge mess.

I'm more of a TD and AoS player myself. Last time I was really active on there I was into Artifact TD and Age of Mythology. I could really go for most genres though, they were nice for a break. Darwin's Island, Hero Arenas, etc.

It's just plain depressing. A map library measured in the tens of thousands, with even other AoS games that are more involved than DotA, yet for some damned reason DotA is the only thing that gets played. It's not even that I hate DotA or anything, but for fucks sake there are other things worth playing.

I'm torn to be honest, the original seems the most... Authentic? To me. However, I always found the Playstation 2's to be the most aesthetically pleasing. It felt very well put together. The first is simply iconic though.

This is still the game I've spent the most time playing. Which is disturbing, given that there are quite a few games I can count four digit play times in. Warcraft 3 though... I still go back to it occasionally, custom games on it were just so damned addictive. I'd honestly probably play it more if the custom game

It amuses me terribly how very... Apocalyptic people are on this topic. Technology has more than one use, and this is a great one for drones. Will there be problems? Certainly, but that's true of any large scale rollout. More to the point however, this promises a huge uptick in convenience, along with being dead

I'm a gamer who has traditionally bought most or all consoles every generation, going right on back into the 80s. Hell, I still have a Gamegear. There are good, valid reasons to buy consoles these days. The problem I have with this article is that the ones you listed are not for the most part. To address these in

I was trying to decide between the Vita and 3DS, but... With the Zelda bundle I just couldn't justify not getting a 3DS, so the Vita will have to wait. Incredible deal though.

Next gen, I'd mark the ascent of them to current gen as the point at which the relative quantity of content being released is higher for the new consoles.

Uh, does alcohol count as a game? We talked about which types of alcohol went best with rootbeer... Also which ones gave the worst hangovers. Because I'll tell you this, whether you're mixing Pendleton Whisky and Weinhardt's or making a Vodka rootbeer float, it'll give you one hell of a bad morning.

I honestly just find leather more comfortable, however for me what was probably the best news about chair ergonomics in recent times is the discovery that lying back at a slight angle is healthier than sitting up straight. It's like reality wants me to be comfortable.

Thanks Shane, I really appreciate both the response and the good news on this. Will be looking forward to the article.

Not sure this'll get noticed given there are enough posts here to bury it now, and it's coming up on Black Friday, but I wanted to ask if you could do an article on, well... Chairs, at some point.