Well, it doesn't look that bad, they overdid a bit with the black on the front and rear, but appart from that it's ok. Still, I think the worse part is the 458's front, thse lights and that grin. Scary.
Well, it doesn't look that bad, they overdid a bit with the black on the front and rear, but appart from that it's ok. Still, I think the worse part is the 458's front, thse lights and that grin. Scary.
I have a couple more steps.
Super cool.
That's some perseverance. Really interesting story.
I thought regular street luge was deadly enough.
I was looking at the Crown Victoria and realized that that would have been the best car to turn into a wagon. Now, that would be versatile. I know previous versions had an estate model, but the last generation looked great.
That's killer!... On so many levels.
Yup, #COTD
Opi-ates gone bad. CP
Yup, actually most content-aware tools in Photoshop CS4 and CS5 are pretty rad. I attended a demontration of the new CS5 for video editing (After Effects, Premiere and Photoshop) and this expert did things I haven't even thought were possible, and if background-regenerating processes can be done at 25 fps I'm sure the…
It probably deemed itself not worthy to rub metal-to-metal with a 250 Lusso and decided to fly away.
Really nice story
Well, here, as you have to be at least 18 to get a license and as cars are expensive (think at least +%60 more on taxes and stuff), there were no motorized-bullies, everyone got to school on foot or by public transportation. Also, bullies lasted until 3rd grade (16-15 years old) as the second part of highschool seemed…
Now, imagine this but faster [www.vimeo.com]
Now, imagine this but faster [www.vimeo.com]
Hahah, totally, that Daft Punk Helmet is properly awesome. Adapting its design to a racing helmet would be kickass too.
Nah, I was just going to comment on that, she's really all-around beautiful.
Nah, oppo it.
It's a well known fact that when Darwin presented "his" Theory of Natural Selection (introduced in "On the Origin of Species") he was well aware that alcohol is a determinant factor in individual human survivance and, as a result, in humans survival as a species.
I concur...