
Still have a few hours left, but I’m going to go ahead and call it now that she survived the year. We can hope god lets her live to see Jan 20th.

Maybe I haven’t been paying attention, but when was the last time we had a big story on an innocent black person getting killed? Seems like that well dried out come the election results, just like 2012. Niggerpotus can cry those crocodile tears in hell.

Because nothing says she loves herself like a lack of self respect. May I humbly suggest self-immolation? Nothing says passion and self worth like drawing your own blood. Blood is expensive. Dying like a MAN, cleansed of sin through holy pain, god bless those who have the resolve to suicide for equality. 

Russia didn’t hack anything, the DNC password was taken by an ordinary phishing scam that anyone can do. You people talk all day about how the outside world, especially the rest of America is so wrong so wrong, but you gobble up anything and never ask for evidence. You’re less than human, you are stupid, squawking,


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I’m hoping this guy and all the others on that day, were organic and not the retaliation Obama was talking about.

Sorta related

Yea, it was definitely the most ‘aesthetic’ assassination ever. You though, are such a collosal faggot.

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It is amazing that after a year of exposure, so many people are still ignorant to what shitposting is. The frightening thing is that those same people equate speech with action and think the world would be better to criminalize it. I would rather have a weekly lynching, it would be pretty representative to what counts

It doesn’t describe her because Michelle is literally a man baby!

Gee whiz, even celebs have oppression olympics.

First thing I thought was she looks an awful lot like this. 

Isn’t Comey the guy who let everyone know that Hillary was guilty but they weren’t going to do anything about it?

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I think this song is better and blacker.

Star Wars was always bad, do not be fooled. What made Star Wars great was the success story around it and the fantasy universe not being bogged down with the politics of this galaxy. I should feel sorry for George Lucas letting his love project, the thing he poured half of his life into given this kind of treatment,

This guy unironically thinks everyone should be held at the mercy of the majority. If you really thought it through and came to the conclusion that mob rule is a fair system, you might be retarded. A pure democracy would require that the average citizen be civically engaged and cognizant of the system they are taking

Successfully scammed Clinton fans of millions and proved the legitimacy of these states voting red. Jill stein was probably working on behalf of Trump, I wouldn’t be surprised if he gave her the idea in the first place. The Green Party has the funds to have some real swing in 2020, they just acquired the necessary

Hamilton was a snake. This crypto jew faggot really needs to die. 2016 please take him.