
Don’t get your hopes up and please stop wasting money on these (((Bern-Steins))). Fingers crossed she pockets the money and buys a summer home. No refunds.

Orange is the new black. Has that joke gotten old yet?

Nevermind, its just some idiot standing in the road, in the middle of the night, blending into the scenery. OH MY GOD, omg, oh em gee, D O double G, whodathunk standing in the flow of traffic, might be dangerous!? Peer pressure makes people lose common sense.

There are hundreds of instances of ‘peaceful protestors’ swarming cars, jumping on top of them, attempting to break their windshields. In that situation, a motorist has reason to believe his life is in danger and is within his legal rights to hit the gas and get out of there. If a few people get run over, hopefully

Okay, that was obviously a joke. Crossing fingers now that someone takes it seriously. When the country is infested with savages that think its okay to walk into peoples homes, death threats or straight murder because someone disagrees or said something mean, taking away the right of self defense is dangerous.

Conservatives were hi-jacked, the GOP has been a joke for a very long time. At this point they are just the predesignated losing party, so that cronyism, government and military could expand under both sides. What you just described was a true Republican. The new option for conservatives are either the Alt-right who

There are like 4 or 5 documentary’s on the Clintons that came out this year, they all shit on her and Bill, pick one or shut-up. You don’t find out what the other side is thinking by reading a listacle written by someone who already shares the same idiot opinions as you. This is why I can’t take leftist seriously, you

Most the shit on politifact about the ‘lies’ Trump said aren’t really lies, they deliberately take what he says out of context. If you look hard enough websites like snopes and politifact are owned by Clinton backers, they are as biased as politico. Just because a website claims to be a fact checker or has ‘fact’ in

You stupid fucks practically deserve to be honor killed by muslims. The reason why people are scared of sharia law is because when people take it seriously, it subverts ACTUAL laws. Allah and God are the same, just with different interpretations, the ten commandments are old testament and can be ascribed to all of the

This is so awesome if its actually a competing club and not just another shitty, liberal, protest party. Might currently have more free speech in primary school than on college campuses, but it won’t be long till this generation starts proselytizing kids too.

I’m really sick of everything being racist and ‘oppressed minorities’ always asking for free wins and zero accountability. People like her, the ebonics heavy, smug and stupid ‘I’m a victim’ face, affirmative action political commentator, everything funneled through race and tribalism. If this is the future, if

I don’t even like Gary Johnson THAT much, in a sense he’s more liberal than any of them, he just likes smaller government and that is good enough for me. He however doesn’t deserve to be labeled a career politician, unlike Bernie, Gary hasn’t been living off the tax payers for 60 years, he actually made money

I don’t see a problem with this at all, ever seen a sign that says ‘no shoes, no shirt, no service’? If someone doesn’t want to bake a cake for a gay wedding because it is against their religion then why would you want the government to punish those people? It’s petty revenge on someone for disagreeing with you, Obama

Libertarians were in a sense for gay rights long before dems showed up. You see for libertarians individual choices and freedoms should already be in place, it’s your house you can do what you want. For dems they force ‘gay rights’ out in the open and pay for it with taxes, people going into schools and telling kids

Regulation is what caused the cronyism in the first place. The problem is they lobby for regulation, it gets on the news, a bunch of faggots are in the streets calling for accountability and they get it in the form of cronyism. BP would have never been allowed to drill in the gulf without that regulation you were