Telmo "Trooper"

I knew the gal he swatted in Tucson...

Scared the shit out of us.

I’m glad he get caught.

Please let this be a rocket-jumping, too-many-enemies-on-screen, explody-barrel fragfest, and not a moody corridor walker.

Hulk with beard > everyone and everything

Publishers state “No one wants Adventure Games. No one wants another Banjo-Kazooie. No one wants another Mega Man. No one wants another Castlevania.”

What basic features did you have to spend money for? The modders were the ones that decided whether their mods would be paid or not. And it was only for one game.

Can you add the more popular and more powerful sixth ranger to your roster?

“Speed is the most important thing: Pretend that Dennis Hopper has put a bomb on your motorcycle. If you let up on the accelerator, it’ll blow up.”

I...didn’t think Pikachu smoked. Maybe during breaks? After sex?!

It’s like watching some kind of courting ritual between two animals...

wish they had went with look like the early conept art

People are really uppity that Gabe is just saying “capitalism works, we are not a charity.”

From the sound, it seems like someone is getting murdered with a knife in the background. I mean, just listen to that scream. No doubt it was a 16 year old boy.

While I don’t disagree about stealing being a problem...that’s not what’s happening here.

As a commercial artist who regularly sees entitled people demand free art from me or my contemporaries as though we’re somehow obligated to do so I am wholly in support of this mindset. If you want to create art and distribute it for free across the internet there’s nothing stopping you, but that doesn’t make it an

Like them devs.

Modders should get paid for their time and effort.

Secrets make me feel all warm and toasty inside.

Yeah, so Totalbiscuit’s initial tweet was totally rational and reasonable. He didn’t call the game terrible, he simply said it wasn’t for him. The response from the developer was kinda’ out of line.

This is so based. I wasn’t going to go in for this game but now I might have to.