Tell It Like It Is

I do a lot of the ‘household’ tasks - like grocery shopping (which I enjoy), cooking (which I mostly enjoy), laundry (which I need to do because I care too much about my clothes to let hubby do it), dishes (thankfully, we just got a dishwasher), washing baby, waking baby, feeding baby, changing baby, dropping off and

So no snark here, but why not just actually leave it for him to do it? It would probably involve letting things get pretty bad if you don’t want to have to point it out, but this DOES work. I can tell you after four days of zero dishes being done in my house, my ex finally worked out that he needed to do them or they

I’m 33 years old and have never gone to the theater on my own, even though I probably see like 10-15 movies a year.

mine too! we are having a rough child rearing phase at the moment with a tantrumy preschooler and me being pregnant and crabby. yesterday we got back from grocery shopping and he dropped the bags into the completely destroyed kitchen and disappeared. 15 mins later i walk outside-my neighbor tells me i have a great

Well, I think every relationship is different and people should do what works for them. For me, I don’t ask permission and I don’t give it either. I will certainly call my partner to let him know if my plans have changed for the day but (barring the occasional misunderstanding about preexisting plans), I’m not asking

He does more than most guys, and there is no way I could have gone back to school and changed careers if it wasn’t for him. It works because we really do appreciate each other.


Yes! And think about how awkward it is to say no. No, I have decided for you that you can’t have me-time right now. It is an adult’s job to know if they are pulling their own weight (taking care of their parenting and household responsibilities) and when they need me-time and take me-time only when it is appropriate.

What is up with all the hate? How often do we hear from a man who is trying to be an ally to feminists? He is trying to be a better husband, partner, and father and we are hating on him for his son’s name and because he has a nanny? In a world of Donald Trump, Megan Kelly, and Ted Cruz , this is a refeshing and

We do the same kind of division of labor, but it is way easier now that our kids are older (21 & 22) and not living at home 90% of the time. I shop, Mr. Momster brings in the groceries and puts them away. He cooks (it’s self-defense, really), I do the dishes. I clean up the dog vomit, he disposes of dead animals in

I know this isn’t the big takeaway issue, but I can’t get over the idea that he was out running and decided he wanted to see a movie. Really? I don’t know how this dude runs, but I actually work up a sweat when I run. I can’t imagine sitting in a movie theater in my disgusting sweaty clothes right after my run.

Ya know....if he had called and said I know I went running but I really need a breather. If I do this today, would you like a break tomorrow?

“Juliana did that thing we’ve all done, telling him it was cool with her when it really wasn’t.”

This guy cares, is self-aware, and seems to be earnestly trying. Far as I can see he’s one of the good ones to say the least.

I cannot get past that he fucking named his son Jupiter (really? You think your kid has hope of a normal life with that name?) but that said...I watched the clip and was pleasantly surprised.

My friend called this “furnace filter syndrome.” I be you can figure out why . . .

I’m thinking that his wife brings in the steady income as a front-end web developer (he mentions that this is her job in the video). As a freelance musician, his income is likely a lot more variable. Which is why I laughed when he mentioned that he realized he was putting his own work and childcare above his wife’s

this is pretty dark, but once I considered how I would handle things if my partner were to die (she’s got odd hours, rides a scooter and had a wreck early on in our second child’s life) it really changed my ideas about parenting/household stuff. At first I wanted to be fair and square, 50/50, we had a chore list and

“parenting is a two person job”

90% of couples problems come down to bad communication. I made that number up, but my point stands.