I cried when Trump won and this story reeks of bullshit.
I cried when Trump won and this story reeks of bullshit.
That looks kinda suspicious.
How is coach Pop privileged? He earned everything he got. It’s called achievement not privilege.
You forgot “gluten free”, “man-splaining”, and “woke”, preventing you the buzzword bingo.
You fucking lost
Thankfully, the Democratic establishment, of all things, may be rejecting this sort of racist pacification of racists.
“You did this to yourself”
Isn’t the derision just that the protest is a bit hypocritical? We were all (myself included) up in arms over the possibility that Trump could lose the election and refuse to accept the results. But isn’t that what these protesters are doing? What are we protesting? Democracy? I (like most on this website) hate…
And let’s all file this with the ten zillion other Gawker/Deadspin articles talking about how Trump is going to lose or leave the race. You’d think the author of an article titled “This isn’t funny anymore” would start to understand that it was never funny to begin with, and maybe, just maybe, if Trump had been taken…
You must have a week immune system.
This is a huge thing on the internet right now but it’s such a bad idea. The Electoral College making Clinton president will surely cause a HUGE upheaval. We’re seeing the protests now but the protests from the right would be insane.
It’s interesting how many people feel comfortable cracking jokes about what is a pretty disgusting act of domestic violence. I have a feeling many of these same people would doing way more handwringing and way fewer ha-ha-funny-funny-time jokes had Smith poured the boiling water on Gaspar.
“It was a referendum on whether or not they count as people. That shouldn’t be something we get to vote on. But we did. And when we did, we told a lot of our fellow humans that they aren’t people—not really, not in the way that “we” are.”
OR... you could teach math, science, classical literature, critical thinking, and American History, and keep your damn illusions about being a surrogate parent/priest to yourself.
I’m a liberal, but it’s very unprofessional for you to push your beliefs in their faces. Would you feel comfortable if another teacher at your school started trying to convert students to his or her religion?
This is exactly why there is a problem. Everyone keeps fear mongering instead of being rational.
Voters in the six figures went for trump. Taxes are more important to them than their own citizens.
the rest of the white trash
I doubt it was.
Certainty folks will wait until there is adequate information before drawing any conclusions.