Taken a toll on her career? It’s the only reason she’s in the news.
Taken a toll on her career? It’s the only reason she’s in the news.
Perhaps a learning disability in middle school doesn’t mitigate your involvement or responsibility in helping your husband murder 49 people.
Is it that he plays on a team no one cares about?
The headlines just keep getting worse as we get closer to his inauguration. It’s utterly heartless to cut aid to Africa.
How do you have The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention not ranked higher? It is one of the all time best episodes. I challenge you to a duel!
The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention being ranked 115 immediately invalidates the rest of this list.
But the WikiLeaks dumps weren’t bullshit. Would you prefer the news to be things that are bullshit to things that are not?
Except the validity of those emails was never questioned.
He admitted he did it. He’s responsible. Fuck that mental illness horseshit. If you’re a danger, you’re a danger. Off with his head.
This post is gonna get lost here, but 90% of the gun owners are not like this guy. Coming from a rural background alot of people do a little thing called hunting.
Cooley must be high if he thinks there’s no harmony in the Washington locker room.
That is quite an impressive back bend.
Yeah, those blacks were just TOTALLY POWERLESS to oppress, abuse, or harm that white guy, therefore they can’t possibly qualify as racist.
As to white people yelling “reverse racism”: reverse racism still does not exist. This was not a racist crime, this was a bigoted crime: it was a combination of ableism and anti-white bigotry.
This awful, awful crime will be used to justify every racist thing over the next four years.
Sure, she’s a fine actress, and I’m going to her movie, but since a star can basically be bought, I just don’t see it as an “it’s about goddamn time” kind of thing, as if she was being denied for some reason like “Oscars So White” etc.
I’m sure all the people knocked out in the knockout game would love to hear that it was just a republican scare tactic, no harm done.
Hey! 7 hours after I posted about it, Jezebel finally writes the most minimal thing possible.
Is this #whitelivesmatter or #disabledlivesmatter?
What Hillary wanted to do was worse. She wanted to use the force of law to steal my money to pay for others student loans.