I've gone the lighter route with mine already. No doors, safari top, bedlined inside, regeared, locked, blah blah blah. I say do it already, you won't regret it.
I've gone the lighter route with mine already. No doors, safari top, bedlined inside, regeared, locked, blah blah blah. I say do it already, you won't regret it.
Another LJ owner on Jalop! I think you hit every point, especially the poser aspect. The only powers I've met are people that haven't had anyone show then the ropes off road. Btw, having a LJ there's no way I could ever go back to my TJ.
Nope, That was for the wife. I still daily drive my seriously lifted and built 04 LJ Wrangler. The truck was just my tow vehicle, which we haven't towed anywhere in years cause of the price of fuel.
Still, if you follow some of the other tips listed here before, you can get a good deal. Just traded our 2500 Ram HD Diesel for a Mini Cooper S. Got a great price for the truck and practically stole the car.
Being a Jeep guy I would normally say Wrangler, but in this case go with the Hilux. They are tough and there are enough parts to go around. No need to reinvent the wheel.
And here I just got used to reading the mobile version on the iPad.
This is the only jeep truck I'm interested in.
Drive the hell out of it. I can't stand the attitude that everything has to be an investment. Nothing brings a smile to my face more than seeing a 60s Ferrari on the track, just inches away from the wall. It's the same thing with YOUR Mustang. It was built to be driven, so drive it. If anybody else was so interested…
Pork Chop is phenomenal. I've been sketching out a roll cage for the LJ and I am scrapping it and stealing the idea.
Looks pretty cool. If I didn't have the LJ it might actually make me think about getting a JK (of course that's after the Pentastar goes in). Love the 4.88 gears, that's pretty much a have to if you are going to run 35s, which I assume anyone buying the whole kit would do. I've pretty much turned mine into a truck by…
Lovin the roll bar treatment on the red one. Can't wait to see it. Although I'm making my Moab pilgrimage next year.
Like some others have said, I prefer the diesel. But careful what you wish for. A fellow Jeeper and shop owner swapped in a BT4 in his TJ. The increased torque was very hard on the, well, pretty much everything. I thought about doing the swap myself seeing as he has an extra engine at the shop, but in all honesty,…
Really hoped the guy was going to try to go up Hell's Gate. That would have been epic.
Just wanted to throw a pic of my 04 LJ up. Like Enzo said, it's the only true American sports car.
Just wanted to throw a pic of my 04 LJ up. Like Enzo once said, it's the only true American sportscar.
@mkbruin: That's true, but that's what the SR is for. This was someone looking for advice and getting flamed.