Jalopnik is becoming quite the regular at Lustre Pearl.
Jalopnik is becoming quite the regular at Lustre Pearl.
Man, I know that feeling. Every night before I go to bed I check CL in hopes of finding my perfect post 65 project. They are either too rusty for my skill level or too restored to let me do the work I want. Stupid Corvairs, clogging up my brain space.
I've got a front view of that I took at a car show in Sarasota, where he lives. When they fired it up it sounded glorious.
My wife and I are taking her Mini CS to the Dragon (going with another couple and their 350Z) for our first visit in October. Cannot wait.
I live in Southwest FL, Sarasota to be exact. The number of snowbird accidents here are way too much for me to handle. I used to ride my bike (the pedal kind) 10 miles to work. Getting hit twice put a stop to that. It seems like every two or three days there is a motorcycle death in the paper. 9/10 it was not the…
Apple was worried about people like me. I never felt right about piracy and always bought my music outright. When the iPod came out I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread and started buying albums (I never really buy singles). I had quite a big allowance budgeted each month for new music. I was excited…
If you mean SF Bay area no, Tampa Bay, yes. The corvair's were where I grew up in Oklahoma.
Lived out in the country as a kid. Every time we went into town I passed a run down lot that had 4 or 5 post-65 Corvairs sitting in the lot (this was early to mid eighties). I've always wanted one and am finally going to pull the trigger at the end of this summer.
Wish I would have seen you comment before I threw mine up, since I feel the same way. Well said, and I couldn't agree more with you.
As a member of the Comanche nation I feel like I can have a little say in this. My initial reaction to Depp being cast was WTF. I feel like there are a number of Native actors who would have been great and could have used the opportunity to use the role as a breakout performance. But I get the studios wanted someone…
Since someone already laid claim to my first choice, the 4th-gen Lincoln Continental, I'll have to take my Jeep. Top off, doors off, wife in the jump seat with my dog in the back. Nothing surrounding me to block the great views (this assumes I can rent something to drive on the many tracks I would want to visit).
So, I ordered my shirt and lo and behold . . . free sticker! In southwest Florida (Sarasota, Tampa) area. Any special place you need tagged?
Came here to say the same thing, so, yes.
Uhm, this is Florida people. CBS should spend some more time here. If I'm going under 90 on I-75 I'm considered the slow traffic. For gods sake, we're a state full of nothing but runways. Of course we speed, cops included.
This is the most insane, half-baked, bat shit crazy idea I have heard of . . . how can I contribute?
My wife has an S, and I'm looking to get the Arbath . . . so the right answer is BOTH!
Saw two Montreal's down here in Sarasota, FL a few weeks ago at an exotic show. They definitely stood out amongst all the new Ferraris and Lambos. Hell, the Montreals and the Maserati Indy parked near the two Veyrons almost got more attention. And the god-aweful blue/turquoise velour interior of one of the Montreals…
Living in the swampy flatness that is South Florida, I am jealous of you all. But hey, at least everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, does 110 all the time on I-75 (even while texting/eating/makeup/crashing).