I was really confused about this statement until I realized you were referring to the place in England called Devon, and not to the Devonian geological period.
I was really confused about this statement until I realized you were referring to the place in England called Devon, and not to the Devonian geological period.
I am sure, in the miserable annals of the Earth, you will be duly enshrined!
I thought “Frequently Asked Questions about Time Travel” was pretty decent.
I think in this instance Homelander is the Republican Party, and Stormfront is Trump - I think we’re going to see Stormfront go away eventually, but not before she turns Homelander into the sort of authoritarian Nazi figure that she is, essentially turning him from a bland All-American figure into... well, I think we…
The example you are listing makes no sense, because the presumably they would have signed an employment contract with a job description. I have no doubt that there are a few conservative Christians who work at Planned Parenthood, and as long as it doesn’t affect their work, I don’t think their employment should…
Looks like Spielberg CGed in a walkie-talkie instead
Haven’t they been sued several times over the past ten years for hiring discrimination?
Man, NASA’s never going to live that shit down
I mean, the guy’s in his mid-twenties. That’s younger than her for sure, but we live in a world where men have more agency with their bodies and careers than women, especially by the point they’ve been legally adults for a while. It’s kind of icky, but let’s not compare this to an adult grooming a teenager or a…
You should know that your attitude is specifically what the medical community says is the wrong response to people suffering from suicidal ideation. No one dies by suicide because they think it’s the easier choice. People die by suicide because they think it’s their last available option. You should seriously…
I’m guessing they’re referring to Biden vs. Trump, but that might be the more generous interpretation.
I mean, at the end of the day, isn’t that just annotation? A message before the warning starts that puts it in context, so folks without the historical understanding of white supremacy in America don’t just gloss over that for the sake of appreciating the movie?
I mean, the big example everyone is using is Gone with…
Yeah, two months later, after video evidence went public.
Come on, season 2 has been out for a year. How long do we have to protect spoilers?
It’s the Star Wars universe, the bar is preeeeeeeeeeetty low
I mean, I’m a man and I can’t think of a legitimate circumstance in which someone platonically touches my chest.
I mean, there are people who were alive during that period, and there are people whose parents and grandparents were directly affected by this. It’s hard to just ‘get over’ that sort of thing.
I watched this last year and it held up so much better than I expected it to. The practical effects, the soundtrack, the acting - it all aged so well, better than a lot of work for that era.
source? big if true