
I have to admit, I didn’t know until I came down to the comments that they were non-binary and didn’t use he/him.  I’m guessing it’s not terribly uncommon since they’re not in the news that often.

No kidding.  Wait until the anxiety is high enough to motivate you to scramble to get something done, but not so high that you dissociate and collapse in on yourself like a black hole.

I wish I loved anything the way you love Campari. That being said, I’ve got campari, vermouth and gin, so I guess I’ll go make a Negroni.

I’m surprised anyone is talking about Hikaru Utada in 2021 without mentioning the absolute banger from the end of Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0, One Last Kiss.

I know there were already some genre-benders on the list, but I was surprised that Happy Death Day wasn’t included on the list - I can see how you would have had to pick either that or Final Girls, though.

“The Overseas Empire” is way too interesting a name for America, please assign something more befitting its stature

I’ve never heard of the “twisties”, but it A) Makes perfect sense that you would have times when you struggle with orientation without having something fixed under you and B) Sounds fucking terrifying. The way she (and all high-level gymnasts I guess) throw themselves in the air with the expectation that they’ll land

I think the new translation is: “Friends are very important.  Imagine if you wanted to move to a new house - who would help you move your sofa, if not friends?”

Completely agree. There are people out there who watch and interact with media so creatively - watching movies to alternate soundtracks, making alternate edits to films to make something new, using deepfake technology to change the faces of the actors, even turning gifs into memes. There are folks who speedrun video

Thomas Middleditch is what you’d get if you asked someone to draw a caricature of a white man running a pick-up artist seminar at a gaming convention.

Wow, that is an incredibly well-written reddit post.  I’m really, really impressed.

Former optician here. I definitely saw a lot of optometrists who were reluctant to hand over a prescription - in one case, they wanted the customer to provide a written statement for why they wanted their prescription before they’d hand it over.

There are several fights like that! You fight Wiseman, who turns out to be Kahn Wong, Fei’s father, and several times you fight Grahf, who is actually the still-living body of the previous incarnation of the Contact... and both of those dudes are in the same body, because Xenogears believes in the existence of the

And brutally! He uses the shattered sword his actual father forged, and hacks Thulsa Doom’s head from his neck. He doesn’t do it in one clean cut, either - he has to hack at it a few times to get it off.

Then he throws the severed head at Thulsa Doom’s horrified cultists, who basically just turn and walk away in

10-ply and super-soft are references to Letterkenny, a show Ed Norton loves.  They’re supposed to imply the opposite of ‘tough’ or ‘strong’.

I mean, he’s definitely killed someone, right?

Recent studies suggest the prefrontal cortex may not fully form until 27!

I think I may have been one of those, I had some real issues with decision making in my twenties.

I think you mean hologram.

I think one of the primary sources of this line of thought is the merger between Boeing and McDonnell-Douglas. Prior to that, MD was known for letting R&D and manufacturing costs dictate quality and innovation (or a lack of innovation - MD was stuck with prop planes for a long time because they wouldn’t innovate their

Man, talk to your doctor about Xanax today.