
Can you show me where it’s saying that people shouldn’t be buying SUVs, rather than that it looks like the market is going to shrink for SUVs in the near future?  I don’t see that written or even implied in the article.  The only thing specific to quality I see is in reference to the ‘very big and very good’ Kia

This may seem harsh, but really, white people have their own rich cultural traditions, including *checks notes* Steely Dan, unseasoned food, and how the kids need another layer of sunscreen.

Same! I wanted that jacket so bad.

Also, I can still hear the announcer say his name. “Volt KRUEger.

agreed.  I don’t use a cloud service, but it’s nice to keep the database as well as a portable version of keepassx for windows on a thumb drive, for offline occasions.  I periodically work in a lab with no external internet access, and it’s nice to have something that works locally.

Woof.  Lambs are real cute, especially when they’ve got the big floppy ears, but I do hate when it’s time for banding.

Seconded.  Good shepherds condition their sheep to be used to being handled periodically - in addition to being sheared, we occasionally have to trim their hooves to keep them from getting too long, de-worming them twice a year, and giving them shots every once in a while.  other than the shots, most of the time

He’s always going to be that one guy in the first TMNT movie, declaring his LOYALTY TO THE SHREDDA

This Land started as a newspaper, and then a magazine, and for a while it was the best periodical in Oklahoma. It was just about the only paper here doing long-form journalism, and it frequently included short stories and essays from local authors. They kept it going for a long time.

 At least Hephaestus had an honest-to-gods skill

I don’t trust people who get wound up about illegal immigration!

I can't imagine you change a lot of minds with that line.

Hell, give us a Nomi Sunrider trilogy.

Not sure, but I think it might apply to everything

what can i say man, dude comes from circumstances.

Yeah, but most Americans aren’t going to tally up the cost of their health insurance, the market price or value of their health insurance policy, and compare that to the difference in federal taxes on their paystubs - they’re going to notice that their paychecks are different (and god forbid, not lower than they were

Yeah, and I’m pretty sure that outsourcing manufacturing was the result of a Republican obsession with free trade back in the day.  Democrats didn’t start hopping on the free trade wagon in large numbers until the 90s, by which point Republicans had already negotiated NAFTA and other agreements that allowed companies

My first child was a nightmare when it came to sleep. He still is, at three years. He doesn’t like to be left alone, he fights to stay awake, and he used to wake up crying all the time. Then our second child was born, and he slept like a rock. I was so used to our first one that I would have to check on him to make

I think the missing piece here is that between the end of the TOS movies and Unification II, a major rift developed between Sarek and Spock over whether Vulcans and Romulans ought to try becoming one people again, or whether Vulcans ought to consider Romulans dead to them.  From what I remember, it had been decades

Pro-tip: Don’t have kids, or at least expect to wake up like a zombie for the first ten years or so.