He was also in the Nickelback sketch with Sterling K. Brown.
He was also in the Nickelback sketch with Sterling K. Brown.
I like your thinking. Schools ought to teach cursive in elementary school and soldering in middle school.
I think Spider-Man 3 left a bad taste in a lot of mouths. I actually just watched Spider-Man 2 yesterday (I took my son to see Into the Spider-Verse the day before and I was trying to sell him on it) and it wasn’t as amazing as I remember it being, but I thought it managed to balance the humor and drama really well. …
I mean, you could argue that anyone who’s throwing that money at a glorified infomercial is kind of inviting this sort of disappointment, but I haven’t had a strong reaction to a disappointing game since Xenosaga Ep. 1
I don’t know how comfortable you feel doing it yourself, but iFixit has a guide:
Yeah. They managed to wiggle out of providing their own diagnostic tools, but I have a feeling that the open source community is going to help fix this. DRM circumvention might not be necessary to read diagnostic data from an onboard computer.
Seriously, this is just stupid. Replacing a dead optical drive in a game console is a violation of copyright law? Really? This is begging for a ruling from a Federal court.
You still have sheep? How have coyotes been for you this year? I lost four sheep, including a pair of lambs in February alone.
I don’t really use it anymore (my toddlers are nearly preschoolers) but I had one of the ergo 360s. I liked it for front carry, but it was really tough to load the kid onto my back without some help from a friend or partner.
What a great mother. She’s in the middle of birthing a second lamb and she’s busy cleaning off the first one. There’s nothing better than a lambing that doesn’t require any intervention, aside from trimming the umbilical cord and dipping it in iodine.
Xenogears really deserves a shot at a new audience. It also needs a development team to go in and finish out the second disk. Even 4/5ths finished, though, Xenogears is in my top 3 JRPG list.
Yeah, the reviews aren’t great on it, either. Get back to me when someone’s put a couple hundred miles on it and thinks it’s okay.
Yeah, the reviews aren’t great on it, either. Get back to me when someone’s put a couple hundred miles on it and…
Same boat here. Sometimes I’m able to get some time to myself in the evening, but after the kids are in bed, I usually have to do laundry/dishes and pack lunches for the next day. That and some light cleaning around the house puts me right up against bed time. I’m hoping I’ll have a little more time when they’re…
Not to mention the fact that apparently he teaches workshops in-store. God forbid someone with skill and knowledge be paid like their time is worth something.
maybe they don’t hate what he believes, they just hate that he spent 40 years in the senate doing nothing and then came out and said ‘fuck social issues, let’s focus on economics’.
I played the first Half-Life game in high school, and Half-Life 2 just after college. I am in my thirties with two kids now. I would say that Half-Life 3 jokes are almost exclusively dad jokes by now.
No video game is objectively good.
Leftover conventions from older times. Sort of the same reason you hear ‘Merry Christmas’, even though most Americans never use the word ‘merry’ outside of that single use.
“Not sure what’s more wild: that a guy did this while facing over a dozen federal probes right now, mostly for things related to being a tacky dipshit, or that he firmly believes he has a political future waiting for him back in Oklahoma right now.”
As a native Oklahoman, I can guarantee you he has a political future…