
Between your username, which happily paves over any differences between voters in red states, and your insistence that ‘Hillary and Trump are the same’, and the fact that anyone who argues that they are actually quite different is a neocon who needs to get in line, I think there are a lot of anti-war, social justice/ec

These weren’t written in the 1800s, they were written in the 1920s. And it isn’t any of the characters who write the descriptions of the Native Americans encountered; it’s the author. And even discounting that, it clearly presents the father as having an elevated view of Native Americans, but never once suggests that

Outside of the books she wrote that have racist depictions of the Osage and a glorification of Manifest Destiny, what should she be honored and remembered for?  Her sales?

Because maybe we can remember our historical figures without holding them up as icons?

“No one in our government is willing to take moral lectures from people who support and perpetuate policies that grievously harm innocent Americans,” Mr. Miller added.

The irony of this line being delivered by someone who opposes sensible gun control and social programs is... I guess it would be sad, if it wasn’t

“This prosecutor, who was already preparing to run for re-election, had used the county maintenance workers to install throughout the county 500 12- by 16-inch, embossed, enameled, license-plate-like, bright orange and black, permanent ‘Re-elect THOMAS HOADLEY Prosecutor’ well in advance of the next election

This is incredibly rude. Even a casual examination of their comments reveals that education is important to them. But people who go to private schools aren’t exposed to a diverse student body, and they don’t necessarily prepare kids any better for higher education than public schools.

Also, I’m going to go out on a

I think you should also list Final Fantasy Tactics under PS1. Not as polished as War of the Lions, but my god, I played the hell out of that game.

I can’t decide between SNES and PS1. They share the spot for #1 with me.

I had one too. I liked the form-factor, but I actually didn’t like the weird sliding d-pad thing. I think I’d actually really like it with a stick instead of the sliding dimple.

For anyone who hasn’t seen it, give Sarah and Duck a try. It’s a BBC production, and it’s beloved by every single member of the telemechanical household.

Because the default in society is to have a kid if you wind up pregnant. Everyone knows they have that choice. If someone reaches the point where they decide to have an abortion, they deserve not to be emotionally manipulated in an attempt to have them keep the child. CPCs intentionally deceive the young women who go

I frequently disagree with you on io9 articles, but you and I are in goddamn lockstep on this issue.

They’re one of the lowest tax burdened states if you’re wealthy. People at the poverty line and middle class are taxed at the same rate as states like Massachusetts and Virginia.

I don’t like your odds

The cost of living is a lot lower, but the ratio of pay to cost of living is a lot lower than surrounding states. That’s why we’re losing so many good teachers to neighboring states, even if they have higher costs of living.

I live in Oklahoma, and I nearly finished a degree in education; after student teaching I bailed on that idea and got a degree in biology instead. It’s bad in Oklahoma, folks. Funding is dry, administration is demanding and inflexible when it comes to the curriculum, and if I had taken a teaching job locally after I

My smartphone broke recently, and I bought the cheapest dumb phone I could for $22. I think there’s something to be said for a tool that’s perfectly functional and also not enticing to use on a regular basis.

oh my god, I never made that connection before; it IS like an extended length version of the Color Out of Space. I’ve even read that short story in the last ten years.

One of the things I liked about the Biologist in the book is that, while she did love her husband, she wasn’t particularly sentimental and went to Area X because she wanted to see the place; she was more wrapped up in her work than anything. Is that the case here? The trailers made it look like they had a typical

Alternately, “You are tearing me apart, Lisa”