
I’m amazed you can open a bag and not finish it in two weeks. I think I go through about a bag a week.

I know what you mean. I’ve got a 2.5 year old, and his greatest joy in the world appears to be emptying out bins, boxes, and bags. I’m waiting for the day when he grabs a box of duplos, looks me straight in the eye, and slowly turns it over without breaking eye contact.

So should we file this one under education?

I spent a lot of my teens and early twenties obsessed with that game. For over a decade, I played through it at least once a year, and bought copies of Thousand Daggers and Perfect Works. I still can’t read them.

I’d like to second the MSR Whisperlite, and go a little further: buy a nice set of titanium cookware. I used an old battered aluminum cookware set for the longest time, but when I finally upgraded to titanium, it was surprisingly weight-saving, more compact, and non-stick.

I’d like to second the MSR Whisperlite, and go a little further: buy a nice set of titanium cookware. I used an old

well you’ve done it, I’m steamed.

Man, Radio Flyer callback. That takes me back a couple minutes.

Just out of curiousity, how do you feel about As a user, I really love the platform (partly because at least 30% of my games purchases are driven by nostalgia) and I’m also really impressed with the Galaxy client. How do you find their terms, compared to Steam / Android / Apple?

It really was. I loved mine. I still have a bunch of old PSP games, and it’s possible to jailbreak it so you can install stuff on there, even if the store isn’t available.

I absolutely agree with Austin Grossman’s You. I can’t believe I don’t hear about it more frequently. I’ll have to look up the rest!

When did White Knight become an insult? At one point did someone standing up and being a good person become a badge of dishonor? At what point did the cynics and adolescents decide that the 'white knights' were their enemy? If you feel like White Knights are the bad guys here, doesn't that kind of make you the

Were you not paying attention? He's not a shop contest. He is planet.

Swapping out an electrical outlet is fairly simple work. In most states, it doesn't require a licensed electrician. The process is relatively simple as long as you don't try to rush and you don't skip any steps.

Now, it's completely different to install a new outlet or modify/install a junction box, but that's not

Technically, Helios was the Titan of the Sun, while Apollo was the Olympian god of the Sun. The two were conflated and occupied similar realms, but the Olympian god of fire was generally considered to be Hephaestus, the blacksmith.

You seem really upset by this. Maybe you should take a vacation from reading comments for a while, get some sun, play a game you like.

You're right. They definitely should have been more prepared for military surface-to-air missiles. At least with American Airlines, United, and Delta, you know the aircraft carry electronic counter-measures, chaff, flares, and other defensive technology.

That is one handsome-ass beetle, friend.

I live out in the country and I deal with ticks routinely. I can't believe I've never heard of Permethrin before this. I am going to Columbus the shit out of this.

Get the Storey's guide for goats and read the hell out of it. There are a lot of things that can go wrong with goats if you don't know what to look for or how to keep them, but if you do, they require very little work to keep them healthy. I've got a mix of pygmy goats and Nigerian dwarf goats and a few

My wife and I share a laptop, at this point, and while it bothered me in the beginning, I think it's actually a blessing in disguise. It forces me to spend a little more time in meatspace and to get things done around the house, and when I do have it handy, I'm better about using it to write and not to read every