
I agree. For that matter, JRR Tolkien did a much better job with Frodo and the other hobbits, who are vastly transformed by everything that has happened. Sure, Merry and Pippin came out of it as brave and intrepid saviors of the Shire, but Frodo was utterly ruined by it, and even his home wasn't a comfort to him

The lady in the illustration looks like she's performing Shomen Ate.

Ink-jet printers can produce some high-resolution prints, and they certainly have a low initial cost, but laser printers are more reliable, faster, better at bulk printing and have a lower cost per page (when you start talking about printing 10,000 pages or 100,000 pages).

I'm not sure how you managed to make this political.

Well, clearly everyone's big fat brains must work exactly as yours do.

It's great that you can handle it that way. But not everyone can. A lot of people hold on to the memory of feelings for a long time, and they might not find it as easy to disregard the sense memory of being around someone they loved. It's not immaturity. It's a difference in process and feeling. For some people,

The interface for microwaves hasn't been updated in twenty years. It's about time someone got cracking on an improvement!

I remember having a 5.25" floppy with SimCity, and I remember when 3.5" floppies came out and you felt like a secret agent. 1.3mb on something that would fit into your back-pocket? Yes please.

VirtualBoy. The Nintendo VirtualBoy was the third attempt at a console, and it was such a dismal failure that no one even wants to keep one around for nostalgia.

I love Arch. I was still a Linux neophyte when I plunged into the Beginner's Guide, and I learned SOOOOOOO much by setting it up. I reformat everything but /home and reinstall every once in a while, just for fun.

I have to go the opposite route. I mostly bought cheap tools for a long time and I couldn't get a set of sockets from getting completely disorganized/lost, but when I bought a really nice set of craftsman sockets and wrenches, I made myself keep it much more organized than normal.

That being said, I think that like

Yeah, and no one wants to feel like a charity case. It may just be a gift to you, but to someone else it might be an insult to their pride. Maybe they're in a bad spot and it's tempting to accept something that they would feel better earning for themselves.

I purchased this and tried it this morning. It worked pretty well, I don't usually get up on the first try. I normally have to pound the snooze button. This time I actually honestly got up at my target hour. I hated it though, it was absolutely the worst.

I really thought this was going to be a how-to in managing electromagnetic, strong nuclear, weak nuclear and gravitational forces. I found absolutely nothing about mastering them here. I'm disappointed in you, Leo.

Is Henry Rollins going to be the assassin in this one? I would totally play a game as Henry Rollins playing an assassin.

I actually unapologetically loved John Carter. I think it's biggest problem was that it didn't convince the people who would like it that it was a movie they would enjoy.

You strike me as the kind of vegetarian that makes people assume that vegetarians like me are asinine about our eating preferences.

I used Ubuntu at home and MS Office 2010 at work, and I never have any problems with documents created in either LibreOffice or MS Word. Both programs seem to respect the formatting of the other. This goes for Excel and LibreOffice Calc, as well. Ubuntu is actually doing a great job of being fully functional

It makes me sad the way that humans treat chimps and other great apes, considering how much we have in common with them.

Just out of curiousity, but as someone who grew up without any kind of religious background, why should I believe in the Judeo-Christian model more than, say, the Hindu Vedas? Why should I believe the Vedas more than Zoroastrianist cosmology? Legitimately, evolution provides an explanation for the development of