
Can someone start a kickstarter for this guy?

Saying that she comes here because there are female writers isn't sexist; it's an example of someone identifying with a writers because they stand on common ground. She didn't say that she doesn't read the articles by the other men because they aren't women.

I don't remember Frank now.

You're right on the money. And sometimes you just don't have the luxury of an internet connection. The other day, I actually had to burn a CD because Windows didn't have drivers for the NIC, the USB ports or the wireless card. Of course, that's nothing to the fact that to install Windows Server 2003 on a test

Personally, I live in an area where, by July 4, most of the grass is a nice brown that is ready for to go up with a spark. I consider fireworks bans less a "nanny state" issue and more of a "let's not start a wildfire because we think we can control small explosives" issue.

Let us know when you come up with it brother.

I think a microwatt would be a millionth of a watt, whereas a milliwatt would be a thousandth. So we're talking about .000001 W, instead of .2-.03W I believe.