
Also gives Trump the excuse to spend more time in NYC, which is what he wants.

Bob Costas once described speed walking as seeing who can whisper loudest.

Perhaps this was on the monitor during Trump’s speech yesterday....

I liked when they threatened people who didn’t react with enough enthusiasm and they did retakes.

Yes, I believe Christ was big into hunting.

Mattingly is really not helping the situation here. His “this would have been fine in New York” comment is not only stupid and wrong, but he sounds like some petulant middle-schooler. It's too bad.

Your headline describes a “slide.” I dont see a slide anywhere in the clip. Do you mean that cross body tackle?

Interesting that this was fished out of the water THREE YEARS AGO. Did it really take that long to analyze? Why release conclusions now?

Yes, but there’s a generational lag - often a school’s biggest donors are d-bags who remember their frat days of 30 years ago as the best of their lives. Shut down the flats, they stop writing checks.

Pissing off Robert Kraft seems like a pretty low bar. Temper, temper.

This is not new news. Ten years ago in DC they started installing these - but not at the most dangerous intersections, but just at the busiest.

Does Mosburger still exist?

Difficult to describe the many ways the SLPOA could go f**k themselves.

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The "I am Darren Wilson" placard.

I think I smell a few horrible, bored, underinformed, and righteous suburban parents behind this.....

"Why, son, I desecrate graves. With a flaming hammer."

The principles differences between Flash Gordon being the color of the uniforms and that fact that Superman wore a cape.... oh and the fact that Superman was wearing outie-underpants, which is ostensibly the point of this vid.... there's THAT too