
Or maybe it wasn’t posted in the original. Then they realized the error, and posted it.

There is no substitution for Gene Wilder.

HOLY CARP that must have taken a lot of work! That’s a metric fark-tonne of still images compiled there...! :-O

Sounds better than “Cut with high tension Sawz-all for maximum ruggedness”

Troll level: expert Snowden

There’s only 1.3 megapixels, but they’re so huge that it’s amazing in low light.


It’s two terrible things that go worse together!

I’m gonna call these “interesting” wildlife photos. Stunning wildlife photos follow:

Exactly. Ends up running about the same cost as a surface pro 3, but running a mobile OS instead of full blown windows.

THAT was the best one in the whole post!! i busted out laughing! Que ese vato loco, eh pendejo??

I’m hoping this ends up with the family members having to pay up for slander. This is getting ridiculous.

Ward was killed because he acted like an idiot and stepped out of his car onto a hot track to shout at Stewart.

If you get out of your race car on an active race track an walk INTO THE PATH of another race car with the intentions of starting a fight with the driver and you get hurt, it is YOUR fault and YOUR fault alone. YOU have no idea what stewart saw because you aren’t him. YOU have no idea how difficult a car like that can

They’re doing everything they can to avoid admitting that if their dumbshit family member hadn’t walked out onto the track he’d still be alive.

The only thing that is appalling is Kevin Wards Jr.s Family and their lawyer.

There’s a big difference in “tweets supporting ISIS” and facilitating the transfer of money and recruits to ISIS, which is what he’s going to jail for.

Not to Nitto pick, but kumhon F1! We’re dunlopeing around the track! Toyo we say enough! You don’t know what you’re michelin by STICKING with these Pirellis.

Wasn’t there an article on Kinja recently explicitly stating that drones were aircraft and that shooting at them was a felony?

The GPS is more accurate than the human eye’s ability to guesstimate the projection of an airborne object onto the ground. If your GPS data shows that your possible location taking the uncertainty in GPS into account makes it possible you weren’t on their property, than they have no business shooting you. If you are

GPS data from quadcopters like this is FAR more accurate. I own one. It sets a GPS location and returns to it as a home location. I’ve never had it land outside 4-5 feet of where it took off from.