
I have a 2014 X1 and the battery died, where can I find this info for my vehicle?

Yep and one of the local town’s entire police force is decked out with them all over the vehicles and they didn’t even flinch when the anti cop article or report came out. 

Nope and if you check one of their latest patch logs, the battle/hitreg is still an issue but hey, they fixed the skeleton banana eating animation. WTF

What event is that? From what I’ve seen the last 3 days reapers is bugged and paying out insane amounts up to 6x. Have not ever seen any event altering the multiplier by that amount, nothing on SoT site about any event affecting payouts that much either?

Except you didn’t have 1,2 or 3 when the story initially broke and yes it’s just SO AMAZING that people wouldn’t believe the guy who lies all day every day even when he doesn’t have to...but ya, it’s just cause he’s President. GTFO. 

All while courting real communism and sucking on every dictator around the globe. 

Regulate ammo, yes people can make their own just like they can make their own guns but no 2nd amendment protection and not everyone knows how to make it anyways. Limit/track the raw materials. 

Thanks for the heads up Dump, we’ll just charge them under state law now. Dipshit of dipshits. 

Pretty sure trees are going to be a bigger issue for the cars. 

“He added, “I mean, seriously, this is a country where the average person is getting poorer, where the suicide rate is spiking—‘white supremacy, that’s the problem’—this is a hoax. Just like the Russia hoax, it’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”


Not to mention iirc the site they first setup to check also was compromised. 

He has hearing issues, whether that’s why he’s asking or not. It’s quite clear...whether they are due to age or the overtalking is a split decision. 

Well the one thing I saw was her quoting Trump’s actual foul mouth and then all the tiny brains tried saying she was for simply quoting him. Inbreeding seems to have this effect. 

Isn’t that why Barr joked with Pelosi about handcuffing him? And yet Dems just keep extending deadlines over and over again. By the time they act it’ll be the next election. I agree on not doing it for Green’s premise and the timing is horrible with Mueller and the break coming. 

Who cares about rules and law? They are ignoring subpoenas, House Dems should ignore the parliamentary rule.  

At this point I don’t think a failed impeachment attempt is going to cost Dems the election at all, maybe the 42 people in the debate and the sheer number of incoherent messages though for sure. 

Exactly, what this entire shit show has shown is Trump or any other elected President could come right out and say he got help from Russia and the process to remove him, while his party is in control, would take too long to be effective anyways. 

Considering the veil has been pierced in every single state except one I don’t think it’s that hard to do...it’s even easier if you are the sole employee. 

You don’t lose copyright from not defending it, you lose trademarks...bit different. 

If they’re both the same then how come republicans lead the way in criminal charges hands down? Cause it’s not.