
Well, she’s 5’10”, and the 99th percentile for women starts at 5’10”.

Sony just makes mistake after mistake. Ending production of the Aibo is a big one, ending support is the other, and not realizing now that there’s more than a chance than ever that a re-emergence or rebirth can happen is the biggest one of all.

At least you own your bias.

The same goes for boys. If I ever again meet up with a guy I’m interested in dating and he dismisses The Dark Crystal for any reason, he’s just not dating material for me. Next! :)

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The Lian Li pc-tu200a & pc-tu200a have handles. They cost more and have less space to work with but they also look more rugged and they are quite a bit smaller. Tek syndicate did a build with one that you can check out.

Is that 4tb WD Green ?

i know, right? i’m a huge apple fanboy but if i had that much money to throw away i’d rather spend it on real gold bullion or coins than waste it on a watch that truly isn’t worth it’s weight in gold.

“What exactly makes it worth $Fifteen Thousand Dollars$”

You can use the watch without the phone, you are misinformed. Fitness tracker, music player, etc.

I don’t chase down erratic drivers, but if you threaten my children with a chainsaw, it would be VERY difficult for me to suppress the urge to run you over when you walk away.

No shit you don’t edit in 8k. Or 4k. I’d be surprised if you edit in 1080. The appeal of a larger resolution screen is that you can fit more onto the screen. Longer reel means I don’t have to scroll as much, or zoom out then in. I can see more effects on the screen without scrolling. See more clips at once.

Drones are great for filmmaking—unless you want footage that looks better than film. The best cinema-grade cameras are basically just too damn heavy to fly.

The best cinema-grade cameras are basically just too damn heavy to fly.

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This is Brain Farm we are talking about here and a technical first time demo.

You are an utter biatch. The producer didnt run crying to mommy, if you were literate you could very clearly see that CLARKSON reported it.

Those were your friends. Not your co-workers. Alcohol can also trigger shitty lines of reasoning.

Right, I understand that they have speed limit databases at Google or whoever. The problem is that municipalities actively change speed limits and MOVE the signs and don't report the changes to anyone. So the numbers in that GPS database are often wrong, and guess what? You can't use that to defend yourself in

TIL: pansexual is a thing.

TIL: There's a pansexual flag.