The biggest issue with Carriers is that while the technology of pretty much everything has grown dramatically the CIWS platforms have not.
The biggest issue with Carriers is that while the technology of pretty much everything has grown dramatically the CIWS platforms have not.
Exactly, small price to pay for all the battle metrics they receive.
Of which most is used to buy American weapons and develop American used hardware and electronics. There's a reason the Israelis no longer buy from the French and Europeans... US would just probably lose more money by cutting the subsidy.
Springfield XD handguns... I have both the sub compact XD3 and XD4 and aside from Jericho pistols I have never owned an overall better firearm.
The Gaza Strip has a average population growth rate almost double that of the average Western nation. It’s death rate continues to decline every year while the birth rate goes through the roof. You can’t do that if your people are starving.
Thought I had replied to you already, apologies.
I did not realize you were a conspiracy theorist when I replied to you. Throw in a couple “damn Zionists” or “Hasbara” or “Western Aggression” next time and you can complete the lazy hypothesis.
The claim is pretty hard to refute, a sizable portion of Irans defense spending goes to groups like Hezbollah and the Houthis. I also did not say terror since that is in the eye of the beholder.
While we did not initiate it, we did cultivate it. The United States is partly indirectly responsible in the same way that the Russians are in Syria or the Iranians are in Lebanon. We propped up favorable dictators that may not have had the best interests of their people at heart.
I always find it interesting how people fall into the “grass is greener” way of thinking. Of course the Saudis and the Israelis seems like more trouble then say, Iran. The reason for that is because those countries are held to higher standards then Iran or any other dictatorship we are NOT aligned with.
ultimate Iron Dome
I understand, the hype about cruise missiles negating a carrier has gotten out of control.
Who is buzz killington? I am not sure I understand your point, my comment on carriers came late to the discussion last time... These are my words on carriers as a rebuttal to Diaz.
Not if deployed from a orbiting vehicle, if it is launched rather than just released at the correct time it won't need to deorbit in the traditional sense. You would need a orbiting weapons garage or a space vehicle capable of launch rather than just a release.
I was going to say the same thing... Diaz is the worst when it comes to the military, he is like one of those people who thinks they know a lot about everything but really knows just enough to sound stupid while believing he is correct.
I realize your post is from yesterday but just wanted to point our that for a kkv you do not need a propulsion system... Just a projectile dense enough to survive reentry on a stable course, which is pretty easy for a device that needs minimal sensitive electronics.
The current load out is to counter HEAT rounds, Trophy as it stands is not really designed for Kinetic Penetrators like SABOT... It is designed as a protection system against ground based hostiles armed with ATGM's. A tanks protection against SABOT rounds is its armor and whatever bolted on plates and tools they use.
It depends on the range, Trophy is designed to destroy as far out as is feasible which is not very far out. So the cone is dependent on how far you are from the system, it is a low velocity shot, it starts out tightly packed and separates like any other buckshot as it moves.
I have been fortunate enough to watch Trophy in action during tests and demos... It is a narrow shotgun blast and the path takes it in the same direction as the missile so the person would have been incinerated as well. I saw the unit in 2006 and again in 2009, it has some built in safety measures to detect people…
Did not someone else who did this very same thing on a highway kill someone? Seems like the ticket is well earned and she is lucky she did not kill anyone.