Where did you send the email?
Where did you send the email?
vote: InterfaceLIFT
Europe, from Daniel Bird's website: "He left the cutting rooms of the British film industry in his early twenties for Prague..."
I really hope they explain the space jockey. It always seemed so imposing and ancient.
Wait, I don't, what... huh?
There are much better ways of equalizing pressure. A good one is yawning. Some people can control just the muscle that does the job (I don't know the name), and can equalize without actually yawning. Same as divers.
You're right (sorry about that, I was thinking about the languages I know, and not the whole list).
I love Chrome except for 1 things, DPI scaling. On Firefox, I can just set devpix to 1.5, Chrome makes me squint at this tiny text, with no way to change it.
Java is a good start. It's similar to C (which most languages are based on), but easier to use. There's also a lot of material to learn from, a go0d place to start is the Java trail: [docs.oracle.com]
I've read on other places that it works through a combination of placebo and because chewing helps stimulate the blood vessels leading to the brain. Morew blood=better brain functioning.
Pretty sure it's an orbital ring. Dyson spheres and rings are meant to be built around a star, orbital rings go around planets.
Use 1DollarScan to convert your DTB's to PDF's and epub. You can also use Calibre to convert pdf to epub.
Absolutely. Its not the same as paper, but it sure is REAL close. you will only be able to use it to read, or really primitive games like on the Kindle, but if all you want is to read, then yes, go with an eReader.
I've been asking the same thing. At least in previous versions, you could say it looked prettier than the taskbar, but now they're essentially the same thing.
Beat me to it.
Since September 25, 2010, 127,537 items.
Try looking up the nearest/fastest DNS server, and then use that one. Tutorial here: [lifehacker.com]
But what if you get lag?
I hope it's wrong, but the Insurance.com's WOT scorecard is awful ([www.mywot.com]). It looks like the info is 50/50 good and spam, and subscribing is a bad idea.
What about Notepad++? I think it works a lot better (yes, you have to install it, but its worth it for all the other stuff it does anyways).