
I have a feeling that before the merger, there was a lot of debt my guess is on the Pyrex side. Then they tried to do too many things too fast.

But... I mean... it would have made more sense for Instant to be under a company organization like Electrolux... Anova is now a partner brand of them and that makes perfect

Now playing

this is great and all but does it come with the chungus headphone jack and it’s own cooler?

TNG era Star Trek is the best inbetween tech. like theres a lot of touch screeny stuff but theres still physical objects too. like if they came up with the Tricorder design today it could just be a iphone looking thing. just a screen theyd wave around. i havent seen any of the newer seasons of Discovery so dont yell

I'm sorry, but this episode was a big ball of 'meh'.

Wait.. I’ve kind of seen this concept in a movie before.

The police haven’t yet responded to a second viral video showing police tasing and tackling a 17-year-old—whose hands were clearly raised in front of him—after he was allegedly caught vaping outdoors.

I only know or care about 1 Grimes, and that’s Frank Grimes

I caught a picture of Prime when he was sick once back in 2004.  

The only cabover that matters

There’s a point that people might be missing. What interest does Toyota have in making a really good Hydrogen Fuel Cell vehicle?

Ah yes... the return of the Direct Exhaust Injection Engine (DEI)

Just one more strut!

Rocket science: when blowing the thing up is still a successful test.

remember when Picard could settle a problem with a discussion in the Conference room?

That seems like a lot of words, when you could just say, “I hate Discovery, I will never like Discovery, and I only watch the show because my life is empty and hating something gives me something to do in my boredom.”

This haha. It’s the same reason Roku remotes have similar buttons. At least these are services many people use, unlike Roku remotes where they link to ESPN+ or Sling or other nonsense with really small userbases.

Haha exactly! Why do what the user wants when there's an alternative that lets companies bid for the buttons?

Has anybody noticed that the nose is pointy?

Facebook: “Hold my beer.”

Thank you for making me remember the Edison twins.     And on Canada day.