
Does it bother anyone else that the popsicle sticks aren't centered?

She produces a product that she in turn sells to her customers. Just like any business, she can set the price and distribution methods in accordance to how much she feels will net her the most income.

As conspiracy theories go, that is pretty far on the whackadoodle end of the chart.

I would advise you to go find a deep dark hole, curl up, and decease your existence. Those were not a staged attacks, and insinuating so is offensive to all of Canada. We are not the states. We do not scare into defence spending. Go put on your tinfoil hat, with your chemtrail buddies, and have your paranoia circle

ummmm what?

best.definition.ever -)

"Pardon me, Luce."

This is where all the Droogs will be hanging out.

That's not food! It's (barely) edible overpriced bullshit! Designed for pretentious people to sit around guffawing over poor people's uneducated tastes, while sipping on a glass of Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Romanee-Conti Grand Cru........... as you can tell I don't buy into this shit!

I believe it's some kind of tire rating regarding how well a car will plow through a restaurant. The more stars equals the more the restaurant will stop a car.

In all seriousness. It's a guidebook rating.

Same here. Thats 10 minutes I won't get back. >.<

... I don't get it...

I think Lauda in Rush said it best

dunno, Montreal bagels baked in a wood fired oven IMHO are the best.

There's just a simple problem with your pizzas. The ingredients. Starting from the Bufala, to the Olive oil and the tomatoes. Please guys really come to italy and eat some real pizza, its worth it.

That is the explanation.

I drive the Lamborghini all the time in the rain and love it. Actually I drive all my cars in the rain. Nothing happened so far. Still fires up and shifts. With Ferraris it is actually way better to drive in the rain as you will have God's help when it catches on fire (as a lot of them do).