
I could definitely see that. My mom was 39 when she had me and we have always been close. She is definitely a parent, but I can talk with her about everything (doesn’t mean that I actually do) and is one of my best friends. She treats me like an adult and both my parents gave me the tools to be an adult. I greatly

Same here, but it wasn't my mom, either. My mom asked for shoulder length and I ended up with a bowl cut. People would always mis-gender me for almost a year after that (I can't imagine what it would be like to go through a life of that). I haven't cut my hair significantly since.

They are different. It is kind of like the pain of getting your braces tightened (the pain comes in waves and is sometimes more localized than others, but just radiates), but in your stomach and often extending into your legs, as well. It also can make you nauseous. This goes on for a day or two each month.

When I was a kid, I had a bit of an obsession with former President Bill Clinton. Every time he came on tv, I would run up and hug it. I was about 4 or 5 and this went on for several years. My parents were Republicans (at the time). Eventually, my dad relented and got me a Bill Clinton pin. I am not a political

Everyone is different. When I was first born, my grandma forced my mom to give up milk. She started getting health problems and became calcium deficient. When she started drinking milk again, all that went away. For me, milk settles my stomach. When I am sick, it is one of the few thinks that I can drink without

There is a reason Jesus taught to get the log out of one's own eye before telling your neighbor about the speck you see in theirs. Some people tweak religion to justify their own prejudices. It is really a shame that something that helps so many people and motivates people to do so much good is often co-opted by

I found that Neutrogena's On the Spot Acne stuff works much better on my skin than the Retin A.

How many of us have had bad experiences with Retin A. My mom had wanted me to go to a dermatologist as a teenager because of acne (I was somewhat opposed to the plan because the acne didn't bother me too badly and didn't want to be prescribed anything). They gave me Retin A. That stuff made my face peel and burn! I

ScreamIn, I do not follow your reasoning. It is my perception that this site is for both men and women. Men can be feminists—feminism is about equality and not one gender dominating another. This stuff affects men, as well as women. If we just talk among ourselves, we become an echo chamber. Compromissionary has

The best thing about barbies was building stuff for them. If only there were a cross between Barbie and Legos...

A guy was bullying me on the bus and asked me if I had balls. I asked him what type he wanted/needed. I had softballs, basketballs, tennis balls, baseballs, and footballs. I still didn't get the question (I was maybe in 3rd grade) but, even if I had, I am proud of/now laugh at my response.

The point is, no one teaches you that, since you sometimes have lusts, you are forever separated from God because that exists. You can get married. Is sex within marriage a sin? Gay people legally can't get married in most places and are (wrongly) told these harmful messages. Most of the gay people that I know are not

I'm a fellow Christian, here. It seems like you also see some of what I see—religious people's teachings are driving people away from the church, although it seems like you are missing the larger picture and issues. Homosexual love is not a sin—lust of any type, rape (what is actually discussed, given the cultural

Hopefully things get better!

While there may be some circumstances where fighting is unavoidable, It should only be a last resort and non-violence is better. If you fight back, you will be dinged often worse than the bully. If you just sit there and take it while getting adults to see the one-sidedness, you are much safer in the long-term. It is

I should have been more clear—just waiting for it to go away does not work. Bullies do not necessarily need to be befriended, although it is good to deal with situations in ways that they do not continue to be your enemy/it is harder to act as an enemy. Ignoring bullies is only effective if in a larger process of

Maybe an indirect approach might be more effective. An outward conceal don't feel route along with asking the bully in front of his/her minions why he or she is doing what bullies do can go a long way, especially if you start psychoanalyzing out loud, but couching things in complements. I found that you can catch

It is important to note that teachers can be bullies, too.

I'm not sure about how effective that would be on a larger scale, especially the violence. In my experience, violence was never necessary (and there were times that kids were throwing books and trash at me). It is true that, if bullies see that they can get a rise out of you, they have succeeded and that broadcasts to

I'm not sure about how effective that would be on a larger scale, especially the violence. In my experience, violence was never necessary (and there were times that kids were throwing books and trash at me). It is true that, if bullies see that they can get a rise out of you, they have succeeded and that broadcasts to