
It’s not widespread, but some people call Evangelical Christianity “Paulism” because that’s what it is. Although, modern biblical scholarship attributes much of the awful Paul stuff to another even later writer.

“She doesn’t look healthy or womanly at all.”

They were calling them Female Engagement Teams when I was in, but they’d called them “Lionesses” or something before that. The FET teams were attached to grunt units so a patrol could have one or two female Marines available to interact with any women in the AO. The main source of bitching was that the FET Marines

You think vandalism is okay? What a load of shit. The people in this thread egging you on must be as batshit crazy as you are. And then women get all mad when men call them that...well, stop reinforcing the stereotype! PLEASE try to justify this reckless idiocy, I need a good laugh today.

Eh, I ain’t sure this one is that funny. I know cheating is bad, but bottling someone is worse.

I love milk. I've never had cramps, bloating or the shits from it. Have drunk skim or one percent from childhood. And I don't drink coffee, tea or alcohol so FUCK THE HATERS.

Counterpoint: Milk is delicious.

I AM a feminist and I'm not quite sure what would lead you to believe I am not.

Are you SERIOUS? What the FUCK, Jezebel.

"nothing normal about her"

Jesus Christ people! It's normal for her. It's her body. My body is perfect for me. Its not perfect for you or anyone else.

That is the truth! The very sad, unfortunate, why can't all people be nice to one another, truth.

"While there may be some circumstances where fighting is unavoidable, It should only be a last resort and non-violence is better."