
I'm not sure about how effective that would be on a larger scale, especially the violence. In my experience, violence was never necessary (and there were times that kids were throwing books and trash at me). It is true that, if bullies see that they can get a rise out of you, they have succeeded and that broadcasts to

Done it. It was awkward when I realized that wasn't a thing. You aren't the only one.

To milk. Huzzah! I go through several glasses a day. My record was 9 at one sitting when I was a kid (milk drinking contests were a thing at camp). It is currently my go-to drink when I am feeling sick or unwell. I once really confused a bartender when I walked into a bar with a friend and, without thinking, ordered

Allergy shots are not like medication—they generally take several months to years to really work. They slowly acclimate your body to the presence of the things that you are allergic to. The first 6 months or so are pretty intense, but, after that, it is pretty easy. I started out fainting whenever I had a shot/had

It's too bad about the insurance. Otherwise, after about 6 months, you might convince the allergist to allow you to give them to yourself if you haven't had a reaction. You can often get shots at places other than the allergist's office, if that would be more convenient. If it gets to the point that you are missing

Same here! Just hit maintenance. I'm reacting to the shots a lot less than I was. I am kind of divided: I can't wait for allergy season so I can see how it has worked so far, but don't want winter to end because it is my favorite season and there are no itchy, bloodshot, and swollen eyes and throat from pollen

That is so true. Lowering your voice artificially also helps. My friend, who dresses very feminine, when she would go into Engineering Career Services was always redirected to Arts and Sciences because she didn't "look the part". I purposely just wear jeans and a t-shirt and try to just be one of the guys.

On the positive side, by adding that disclaimer/real-time apology that she was forced to ask that ridiculous question and asking at such an inappropriate time, the newscaster may have brought more attention to the issue.