Can we appreciate that after this monster dunk the ball bounces off his own thigh and hits him in the face?
Can we appreciate that after this monster dunk the ball bounces off his own thigh and hits him in the face?
You should be able to find a 8th gen civic (2006 to 2011) EX/DX/LX with a stick anywhere from $4500-8000. Most Hondas come with a pretty good gear box and I particularly like the 5-speed that these come with.
It’s not a muscle car and it’s not a truck but it’s a car that when you go to sell it you will still get a…
I’ve found the easiest way to find my Porsche is to actually park it wherever I want and then pay the internet a grand to find it for me.
Ah yes, this is perfect for my freshly paved, zero traffic, 44 second long (who needs to brake?), part of my commute home!
Didn’t I just read a Subaru Service Manager saying something about Porsche servicings are the only ones you should trust if you want to drive your car hard and have a warranty?
I can’t think of a single bridge that is ‘structurally sufficient’ when you’re using Godzilla to test them.
Pretty good.
Now do it with a Dodge SRT8!
That is a terrible paint job by Maaco, but that product push is no better.
Most stolen cars begin like this, not the grand theft auto ‘break a window and hotwire the thing’. Double points if the car is already at operating temperature and not to mention warm! It makes sense to you that someone wouldn’t steal this car, because I imagine you don’t steal cars.
Locks only keep honest people out.
After running it back, full screening it, and enhancing the original video, I was able to discover:
Giants Fan: “My dad is stronger than your dad.”
Dallas Fan: “My dad could beat up your dad.”
Both: - incoherent garble -
Sadly I couldn’t swap the z-axis in order to figure out anything past that.
My girlfriend drives one of these, 2008 135i with the M-Package and all, in the two years that we have been dating she has spent around $4500 in maintenance (shop cost, not DIY, i’m too intimidated to wrench it) between a busted water pump, high pressure fuel pump (she was 1k miles above cutoff), and injectors. After…
Also a secret of the nutrition industry: Anything below 5 calories a serving can be listed as zero calories on labels. This is why cooking sprays have ~1500 servings of oils, yet are zero calories, when in reality there is around 1/2 a cup of oil (canola, vegetable, olive, coconut, whichever you prefer) is roughly…
Too bad there is a “asking” reserve of 49k :(
The only thing that would have been better is if the officer could have gotten a K9 Unit picture for the family to go with the story- I understand it was more important to get the four-legged family member home quickly though!
Being the owner of a ‘03 1.8t Passat, you’d have to be a complete masochist to buy this car. I know many of you think car ownership is a form of self-harm, but this really deserves masochism.
This is the type of car that you feel safer driving with your CEL on, because as soon as you fix that little thing, something…
Hey Luke, this would be considered a Genderbend since she made the character female, instead of a Crossplay where she would be dressing as male Hanzo and/or doing her makeup to look like a male.
That aside, this is awesome. You go girl.