Warden Palin
Warden Palin
This doesn’t include The Getaway? What the shit is that all about?
She’s like an ass grinch
I’m gonna give you a very real thanks
You know, fuk Duggars and I was gonna sadly call bullshitmoneygrubber on this until I read the pinched lips thing. That detail is so abnormal as to sound unfortunately real.
I never get why these guys are all so seemingly anti-Muslim. Seems like they would really be a lot happier if all women were completely covered and thus non-tempting. Maybe they shouldn’t drive or vote either because vagina.
What’s not diverse? Just look at the picture! There’s an old, two hags and a normal! I’d say normal is the real minority here.
I’m off the market (sorry, folks) but based on the awesomeness of this, I would totally contact this person.
TV people get old and die? But they look so young when I watch the reruns!
We should float a story that all veal are republican vampires.
I like Diane Keaton but she has really clung to that Annie Hall thing for far too long. Every time I see her, she’s wearing a man hat and whatnot.
They made any kinda fish + berries + vodka
Andy Breckman is masturbating wildly as he dances
Can women rape?
Keep out of the rookers of the millicents
So one time I was kinda pressing this girl but not so directly (and ridiculously, I might add) as “Dave”, and she was like, ‘If you wanna have sex with me, just say so’ of course I said ‘Okay, I wanna have sex with you’ and she replied ‘Well, we’re not doing that’
Lead paint: Delicious but deadly
“Heyyys man, we’re just doin our thing for our constitumints. Know what I’m sayin? This is like duty to taxpayers and voters and whatnot. Anyway, I hope they have good pizza...”
Women would hafta get mannish and slaughter about 75% of the penis-owners to make sure everyone knew they were serious.