Tejón Face


Same! I’m still laughing right now. Like normally I get a little peeved when announcers express lowkey amazement at a woman demonstrating skill

That announcer yelling “HERSTORY” with completely uncontained fervor is my new aesthetic

Dooooo it I just discovered that combination a couple of months ago and I’ve been making up for lost time ever since.

I’ve always looked young too (and it does suck! Especially in a professional setting because like I want to be a badass and I register as a baby)

Ugh all of my friends who did cross country / track went through the same thing—no sleep, anxiety puking, food journals. I was a soccer player, so it was hard work but not as exacting, and the psychological pressure wasn’t remotely as bad as it seems to be with racing.

I will bring gouda and a can-do* attitude.

*re: finishing the whole thing of gouda, not the planks.

i AM pretty silly. :p

*virtual cool secret handshake*

This is an article about kardashians.

Yeah ditto back at you.

Routine would be amazing. I go through phases where I’m like a perfect health goddess who drinks icy water bottles all day long but then after a couple weeks of that I’m like what if instead I got high and spread peanut butter on a subway macadamia cookie and....then I do that.

Aw same. Having a body is weird and hard.

I know this is a lost cause and I should not reply to you but for fucks fucking sake what makes you think that I don’t know how to exercise? I was a D1 college athlete I have spent years of my life as a svelte hulk who could run a six minute mile after doing sprint workouts for two straight hours and who ate raw

This is the diagnoses of what’s weird about lukes face that I've been looking for since I first saw him thank you

The thing (for me) that’s so seductive about this whole cult isn’t necessarily the idea of having three hours a day to work out (though obviously that’s amazing) but rather the fact that working out for them is so, sort of, passive? Like they have assistants and a trainer and a cash flow that just ....make it happen

My thoughts on this:

I wish he had some lips that he could close around his dumb mouth but...

Exactly. Part of me is glad he just laid it bare: “I know it’s technically rape by our currents standards but for me personally it is fine.”

This is such an obfuscation of what he actually did.