Tejón Face

Dude. Nobody’s being triggered by some lofty beardy dude talking about ideas in exclusively abstract terms behind a mohogany podium because that’s not what college classes are actually like. It’s not like a professor is going “today we’re going to talk about the idea of violence” and one million students are like “OMG

Yeah I shake with fear everytime I see movie ratings, television ratings, news reporters warning audiences about graphic content, or any other thing that’s exactly fucking like a trigger warning and that has existed since the dawn of mass media.

Ugh totally. And that course sounds awesome. Like yes a culture of white male supremacy conditioned western intellectual growth for centuries and as a result we have to study a bunch of white dudes, a handful of whom end up being nazis, but also they had some of the best and most influential ideas in human history so,

Right—like “people are idiots” is Truth with a capital Duh.

Like: me meeting with my advisor to discuss my article=education

Yeah having a complaint filed against you is just like getting shot with many bullets and then dying good comparison.

An adjunct’s “career” is not in danger because of students. It is in danger because our university system doesn’t care about the welfare of adjuncts.

Yeah universities are changing; curricula are changing. I just—on the whole—really believe they’re changing for the better, and changing because both students and educators and interested in interrogating the status quo.

Yes. It was stupid, very stupid, of them to barricade administrative offices.

Ok yes—there was that group that filed a title nine complaint based on something a professor had written about affirmative consent and infantilization of women. That was antintellectual, closed minded, and terrible.

If you’re showing a film or reading a text, for example, that features a graphic scene of white southerners lynching a black man, you’d include on the syllabus “TW racial violence.”

My university department just had a meeting about trigger warnings / safe spaces yesterday.

The DVD menu for that terrible Jonny Depp horror movie about being a writer with weird hair who has split personalities or something and there’s a dead dog and a cornfield.

I sincerely hope this is how it goes. Like an amazing meta-performance of how to establish a brand—in her case by weilding an immoderately weird kind authority in front of large audiences.

They fucking LOVED those socks though. They were like “THANK YOU finally this is a great brand.”

“If I see somebody not paying attention, I’m gonna call on them.”

This is so fucking vile.


Oh right! Our bodies are a lot like an Amazon prime rental download, is what I have to remember.

Oh, for fucks fucking sake