
Nah, I'm just messing because I know you hate him. I agree, Hegel is garbage. You, all I know is that you said that all of creation is made up of will and representation. That, and the Archdruid speaks well of you, which is enough for me.

Is it true you've met Hegel? What's he like?

Yeah, you right bro.

Word. My dad has been a lawyer most of his adult life, and his favorite book is "Bleak House". *Shudder*

That's exactly what I would expect Evil Lincoln to say.

It's not exactly trivial. Cameron is not the first person to go to the world's deepest spot, just the first to do it alone with a high tech vertically oriented submersible using sytanctic foam. Show some Trieste love, please!

Because it's way faster than two thumbs and AI guessing?

"Your visual system has three mandatory updates. Eyesight will be unavailable during installation."

Hells yeah! But I hate how Royce now forces you to buy a combo pack with white chocolate and cheese. Eww?

I would vote for Robamacop.

a LOT of tail, right. You were sort of the David Bowie of ancient Japan. Right, carry on then.

a LOT of tail, right. You were sort of the David Bowie of ancient Japan. Right, carry on then.

Yeah, well, what do you know? You're just a Japanese nobleman who never got over the death of his mom at the hands of rival ladies. I twang my bowstring in your general direction.

Yeah, well, what do you know? You're just a Japanese nobleman who never got over the death of his mom at the hands of rival ladies. I twang my bowstring in your general direction.

The scene in Crazy Heart takes place in the Houston downtown tunnels, in no way a mall.

The scene in Crazy Heart takes place in the Houston downtown tunnels, in no way a mall.

Nope, for a movie about a body-less demon, it's pretty great. Plus a buddy of mine couldn't abide the song "Time is on My Side" because of it.

Nope, for a movie about a body-less demon, it's pretty great. Plus a buddy of mine couldn't abide the song "Time is on My Side" because of it.

No, waif-fu doesn't count, because the topic was fictional audience responses to fictional works of art. But it is irritating. E.g. the fight between Leelu and the big ugly guys in 5th element, or during The Bride's big swordfight in Kill Bill 1 where she stabs a guy through the abdomen, then lifts her sword above her