
No, waif-fu doesn't count, because the topic was fictional audience responses to fictional works of art. But it is irritating. E.g. the fight between Leelu and the big ugly guys in 5th element, or during The Bride's big swordfight in Kill Bill 1 where she stabs a guy through the abdomen, then lifts her sword above her

Pinoy kasei!

Nina Paley? Is that you?

In reply to this thread in general, I happen to do design review for saturation diving systems at work. I find them bloody fascinating. Imagine climbing into a giant steel hamster habitat, shutting the door, letting them pressurize you to 400 psi, then crawling into a tiny ass diving bell with two other dudes to be

Entirely agreed. Shooting marines in power armor at an enemy planet from a falling spaceship like bullets from a gun = awesome. Marines with suspiciously good hair shooting at bugs with assault rifles = not that awesome. Pro/anti fascist subtext optional.

So, before the civil war, the 2nd Amendment was understood by legal scholars as explicitly a guarantee of individual freedom. The "well regulated militia" bit explains why they put the "to keep and bear arms" bit, it doesn't limit or qualify it. Laws restricting ownership of firearms got started in the post war South,

I'm annoyed by this woman already, because my wife made me buy a bottle of the Skinny Girl Margarita Premix. The reviewers here have the right of it - it tastes weak and sour. Enough of it will get you drunk, but who cares? We live in Houston, Texas and we aint need no damn Manhattan socialite mixing crappy margaritas


Amen, Heavy D. "My dick is bigger than yours."

Skinny Girl
I just googled Bethenny Frankel to answer that most ancient question - "is she hot?"

quis custodiet ipsos custodes? i think it was a pretty decent effort to faithfully adapt a really difficult comic, but the glossy ultraviolence and the horrifyingly miscast Ozymandias nearly ruin the film.

I think the piece by Scot-Heron that affected me the most is "Whitey on the Moon". I grew up reading science fiction, I wanted to be an astronaut as a kid, and I did in fact become a mechanical engineer. So I never seriously questioned the value of the space program and NASA.

well, fuck you too then.

Thanks, AV Club staff
I was freaking out because there was no mention of Gil Scot-Heron passing in the newswire. Then I saw it right at the very top. Oops, hehe.

Yeah, Disco Dolls came to the Dobie theater in Austin when I was still in high school. Went to see it with my friends, full theatre, and…

i and 1 - well played, sir. well played indeed!

Wow that's dark, Shore Patrol. Are those song lyrics?

As a committed lefty, I want to say that Ross Douthat sometimes writes columns that are sensible and make reasonable points. Brooks and Freidman make my blood boil with their avalanche of vanilla flavored idiocy.

it sounds like you started out ahead of me, bra. i knew about the bonobos, and about blended paternity, but i had basically accepted and internalized the evolutionary psychology story line. so reading the book was very much a mind bender for me.

Should I elaborate? Sure. In every immediate return hunter-gatherer culture we have access to or reliable records of, people engage in multiple ongoing sexual relationships. In other words, partner swapping, gang bangs and other forms of polyamory are the rule rather than the exception. Even today, there is a cultural