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    It was good at release. For everyone except people easily blindsided by internet hate.

    @Greerlin Thomas: The idea that turn-based=old and action=new is itself old when new games release with turn based combat and people like them. Latest example Honkai Star-rail. A bit older, Persona 5.

    The protest is working. Even made Kotaku talk about it.

    The game industry is gigantic. But I am only interested in the part that make videogames. Not the part that make gambling machines. 

    Aristotles logic. So is philosophy in your games.

    Is metronome graphics / presentation similar to a “middle finger” gesture?  from the description of the article, it sounds so. 

    Blizzard stated that never and under no condition a hardcore character will be revived.  And thats good because preserve the feeling of the mode.  If characters could rez, then their dead would be less true. 

    I too remember this quest much more than others. Perhaps with the exception of the one with the child poseed. I say a lot about how bland are the games that we play that anything saying even too littel appears like a beacon of light (or beacon of darkness, whatever you fancy)


    The medieval justice system was horrible, and the civil prosecutors and jails where worse than the inquisition ones. Honestly, the whole “Spanish Inquisition” is a half made up and half exageration from when every country in europe wanted to attack Spain power.

    I think this is a very honest video (Except the part of playing on the bus, who does that?).

    Every part of a videogame count. Programming, music, sound, animations, modelling, story, maps.. if one area is bad, everything else breaks. I don’t understand why somebody would disrespect one part over the others. And more than that, is unnecessary and unprofessional when respect is free.

    This seems a effort to standarize in a way to solve this. Except the “solution” is worse than their current way to do it.

    I am not so sure. I think feminism is doing great things, and some of the things they do help men, but I don’t think men is the focus really.

    It seems this work for Sony, and Sony seems to be doing this:

    Cloud gaming is no only streaming, I believe. Many games use a grid of computers serving instances, with 4 to 16 players. Being that PvP, GaaS type of games or PvE.

    DRM should be illegal. To tell people that already bought the computer (Xbox) what they can and can’t run, should be considered a crime with time in jail. 

    I want to leave behind this weak flesh and have a metal body with multi rockets in my shoulders and a railgun on my fingers.

    The problem here is trying to find external validation.

    Feminism is great, and is the right idea to have a movement like feminism, but for men. But at the same time is weird and bad when these movements are created and become toxic.