
I quit drinking about a year ago and have found that my desire to be around more than a few people at a time in a social setting went out the door with the booze. If I find myself in any kind of party setting, I just smoke a bunch of weed and make friends with the dog. Drunk people are the worst.

You’re correct about everything except the artisinal mayonnaise because obviously we make our own.

While this is a great list, Red Lobster is ranked way to high. Average seafood at inflated ( For the quality of the food) prices.

This is less “eyebrow thread” and more errant Silly String cumshot.

So they’re all cosplaying as Seven of Nine?

Damn. Forced her to do the interview because they didn’t believe her?


I hate this man with the burning fire of a thousand suns

I fuckin loved Full House. Loved it. I have the seasons on DVD and watch it religiously when it was on television.

But even this, to me....it feels....wrong? Like a really surreal nightmare where everything seems normal but there’s just something...not right.

There’s something evil in that house.



Why are men always asking us to remember that a couple of women have lied about being raped but forget that virtually all rapists have lied about raping someone?