
Really? The poor girl had to have surgwry over this. Let’s kick her while she’s down by casting aspersions on her hygiene too.

I feel like it’s a shame that in second grade, you were actually getting graded in terms of F vs. B. I think I got mostly check plus or check minus that young :-(

The possibilities...I wonder if I could cultivate some of this yeast to brew an IPA.

Counterpoint: Borderline Personality Disorder co-morbid with Bipolar Disorder

Those towels are perfectly hung.

This broke my heart a little. I really thought, somehow, things weren’t actually going to change here, but now it seems like they plan to legitimately shift all celeb stuff to this site.

Sometimes it helps people to see how things work. When my grandmother died, I wanted to see the cremation place and see how it works before they put her in it. I would have pushed the button if they’d offered. I even wanted to see how the bones were grinded up. Somehow it made the whole thing more believable and it

How is it bossy to provide an alternative option to the vast majority of funeral homes that offer the exact kind of removed process that you prefer? No one’s making anyone do anything.

Fallout 4 has been out for about 10 days.

That was my feeling too. Dayna mentioned Jezebel was left to its own devices - so my guess is that the higher-ups don’t even bother coming here to get a sample of what’s going on. And then they just decide to kill a bunch of blogs and fire people whose stuff they’ve probably never read. It’s like no one else matters

Yes, I second this! Thank you for bringing it up. I’m horrified by the way Gawker Media treats women. They never even published that article and we deserve to know. And then they can Millihelen, Kitchenette, the Vane, and Jason Parham? Unacceptable! Jason was an important writer, and one of a very few men of color at

Exactly. I also started out at Gawker and moved to Jezebel because the former’s excessive snark was grating. Jezebel always seemed to be a warmer, more insightful place even though there are snarky, tongue-in-cheek pieces. You’re right, we’re way more than consumers of celebrity garbage.

So I JUST gray commented above that my whole reason for getting back into the commenting fray was so I could talk about this. I am really disappointed that GM sees Jezebel’s role as purely to be an outlet for celebrity gossip. I started back in the day as a Gawker reader, because I was working in journalism and it was

I know, I was out of the greys on Millihelen and I felt like I mattered there. I had a special joy in commenting, as silly as that sounds. And I’m not even over Dodai leaving yet.

My day job is in a state’s unemployment agency. By law, I can’t provide specifics, but I’d guess that at least 40% of the true WTF stories I have involve Walmart.

I still need to talk about this: the current changes in Gawker Media, the firings and the closing of sub-blogs like Millihelen, The Vane and Kitchenette are still on my mind. Also, that post on the treatment of women by GM really left a bitter taste in my mouth. I really like this place, have liked it since its

@Oziel03: Actually, Yoda speaks using an Object-Subject-Verb order, a system used by hardly any natural languages. In fact, they picked it for Yoda precisely because it sounded so weird.