
...thought it’d be longer...

From what I know of a relative who is like this, I think you’re totally in the wheelhouse of what this stems from. I think that these people feel left behind economically (and probably rightly so). I think that they resent that the only people seem to them to get ahead are people who are smarter than them or have more

They are all over Michigan. I would doubt any one of these damned fools has even been to a southern state, they just love the racism.

Speaking out against #NODAPL and talking about what the DNC needs to do moving forward. But hey, strawman.

The urge to tell her to STFU through my monitor is unending.

Dear Mr. McMullin,

McMullin on the other hand has still been good. Dude’s still fighting.

she only raised $3.5m for herself over the entire election

No... And I’m thinking he’ll give my area a wide berth since the last time he tried a rally he was chased out of town (Chicago). And the city took his special sign near his stupid tower down, so... here’s hoping.

Even in Alabama our major cities went blue. The candidates usually stop in Birmingham, but that is probably the bluest part of the state. Montgomery went blue, too.

I had a feeling. You are so right - they are very welcoming and open-minded.

It’s really valuable to hear that an exchange like that actually helped to change your opinion. Sometimes persuasion seems so unlikely that it seems like a better idea to just try and block anti-choicers the best we can, instead of trying to convince them. (I think a lot of people on the left also tend to demonize

I didn’t see this right away and I called Dr. Hern’s office to ask how I could donate money directly to the practice. I had a fifteen-minute conversation with Dr. Hern himself. In addition to being a hero, he is a very humble and cool guy.

THIS. When I was younger, still living at home with my conservative parents, I took a political science class at the local college. We had weekly debates, and for the reproductive rights debate, I took the anti-abortion side, because that’s what I believed. The professor asked if I thought abortion was murder and

I know it’s so hard and painful to do, but I wish more people would talk about their miscarriages and other fertility issues. I was completely shocked when I realized how common it is, and I think it would help a lot with the feelings of failure that so many women have when they have trouble conceiving or carrying.

jia, want to thank you for writing this. i am not a mom, have never been pregnant, but was moved to tears by your words and the way you spoke with elizabeth. this story is so important,and i’m glad you were the one writing this. thank you.

I just want to highlight this passage for anyone who skims or just jumps to the comments. Because truer words.