
Fun fact: at my high school in Michigan, one of the “senior pranks” one year was almost all the seniors flying Confederate Battle Flags from their vehicles in the school parking lot.

My mother had a miscarriage before her pregnancy with me, which I’ve known about sinve I wad a small child. However, it wasn’t until a few months ago that she told me the full story

AHAHAHA “Richard Fromage” ...I get it! That delighted me. I mean, the rest of that (and all these emails) is legitimately disturbing and gross, but I could almost high five that jerk.

It’s not universal, but because a lot of our parishes split up over Bishop Gene Robinson becoming Presiding Bishop, what was left was a much more progressive core community. The folks who just could not abide by an openly gay bishop being in charge of shit either opened up an Anglican parish down the street (as


I legit had a moment of “But I thought Abby was married! Didn’t she rush to the arms of her wife draped in Old Glory for a post-World-Cup-Championship Make-out sesh?!”

Heyo! I’m currently training to be a priest in the most liturgically conservative (read: “traditional”) churches in the world and we perform weddings for same-sex couples and embrace members of the LGBTQIA community without any assumption that they need to change who they are or are living in any particular state of

No they didn’t. Not in my county. Not in most Michigan counties. The idea that Michigan is a reliable ”blue” state is a farce, as this election proves. Yes, we have a sizable contingent of liberals, but it’s very geographically isolated. Our state and local govs tend to be Republican and we have a LOT of libertarians

I feel you.

It really was the WHITE, UNEDUCATED midwest. In my homestate of Michigan (sorry guys) if you sorted the counties by % white, the less white, the smaller the margin for Trump, regardless of the size of the county. Oakland and Macomb Counties are both relatively wealthy suburbs of Detroit. Oakland is the second most

Whelp, I -was- planning on having children in the next 4-8 years.

Waited 30 seconds. Did my thing. Whole process took about 15 minutes. It was rad.

Tammy Duckworth is legit one of my favorite human beings. (I’ve also argued since I first heard about her that she ought to be POTUS.)

Shit like this always makes me sad. I lived in Mississippi for five years, and I was heartened to see the hard work many, many people throughout the state were doing to combat racism. That doesn’t mean that things are great (obvs) but at least there’s a dialogue going on. When I moved back to the Midwest and started

Yeah, no... in the far northern reaches of the Detroit suburbs I was surrounded by extremely conservative Polish-American Catholics (including half my family) and similarly conservative Protestants. While there’s a decent contingency of mild-mannered mainline protestant folks and moderate to liberal catholics, the

A lot of Catholics are, but it depends a lot on their sub-Catholic culture. In my experience surrounded mainly by conservative, Polish-American, rural/suburban-white-flight Catholics, anybody even remotely pro-choice is a babykilling heathen and contraception is a very, very bad thing... and making any argument to the

A lot of Catholics are convinced that progressive Christians of all stripes are “anti-Catholic” because we think pedophile Clergy should be held accountable and we’re generally a pretty pro-choice bunch (even though most of us would never -encourage- abortion).

I cry onto my pillow on the regular that I can’t have a President Joe Biden.

Yeah, Donald Trump is definitely a New Yorker of a certain age. I’ve never heard any other demographic use that phrase in an unironic way with the frequency he does.

I desperately hope that this is a reference to his miscast as Aragorn which led to the eleventh hour casting of Viggo Mortensen.