2 Fast 2 Spurious

Well, no s__t!! If an organism eats, it has to excrete!

He really is just acting like a petty piece of shit. Damn dude, get out of your feelings, thought comedians were supposed to have a thick skin 😂

I am also a major pothead, and the anxiety I felt when flying cross-country with a tiny medicine bottle of flower was barely worth it - and I only flew with it because I was moving and wanted to have a small supply until I could find a dispensary in my new hometown. I cannot imagine what was going through Griner’s

The TV is never to Large for the Room, Go as Big as you can afford and Fit.

The thick yellow line.

The rewards, settlements etc. that get paid out every time a cop is taken to court should be paid out of department’s pension. They’d stop murdering unarmed people and letting children die in a mass shooting real quick.

The focus can be on two things, but you’re right - the police response to massacres is not even the worst part of the police.

The vast majority of cops are.

This may be the cleanest, shiniest candidate I have ever seen for parting out and sending to the crusher.

I would agree that they’re not good guys and I understand what you’re trying to say. However, my point was that the “bad guy… good guy… GUN” line is an idiotic phrase to begin with, used to gaslight GOP voters into thinking gun violence is inevitable and there’s nothing they can do about it, and is pushed by the same


Celestial Silver is a paint color. A Tundra paint color. The best Tundra paint color.

White men commit sucide at a much higher rate than both Black people and women. I suppose that’s their fault though. Excess stress from doing all that oppressing all the time...

you having an off day?

ngl, whenever you write about difficulty in games it feels like you’re trying to will the “git gud” comments into existence so that you have a villain in the comments to point at, or like you’re trying to whip up an argument.

Let me preface with this: no offense.

Nonetheless I find it mystifying that a game with ostensibly like four buttons, 99% of the moves being on one button, is too much for people to deal with.

I can see it in a fighting game with strings of combos and complex movements and timings. It’s very easy to fall into the

ever read anything by Ayn Rand? Americans cant tell its just the short-sighted fiction of terrible person with daddy issues and gender insecurity.... they think it makes sense.

The greatest feeling as a sports spectator, hands down, is being certain in the knowledge that James Harden will never have an NBA championship ring unless he buys it off of eBay.

“Housing $12,708" is what's calculated for Single Working person with no Children for a year, assuming rent is just over $1,000 a month. That is not realistic at all.

Sorry, but Google Sheets can’t hold a candle to Excel for actual business functions. Same for Word vs Docs. The Google stuff is actually not bad, and will cover most people’s basic needs, but to say that it’s better than Word/Excel/PowerPoint? You’re out of your element Donnie.