2 Fast 2 Spurious

I know this is fundamentally absurd, and of all forms of human solidarity the generational is the lowest, blah blah blah, but personally, at a visceral level, I blame the Millennials for this shit. Gen-X won their war in the late 90s, when they shunned that stupid, parasitic DIVX format so monolithically and

The hostility one is absolutely on point. The last place I rented (god willing, ever) was the downstairs unit of an older duplex, and the owner lived upstairs. Older guy, single, nearing retirement. “Great, great,” I figure,nice and quiet, no drama, perfect.” In meeting the guy to look at the place, he’s extremely

Yeah, the front seats literally touched the rear seats on my FR-S. It was usable for my dog, but she’s a 9-lb Shih Tzu, so YMMV...

Speaking as a large individual, the S2000.  It’s basically a gibbet on wheels.

The tanks are actually great in this one, I’ve already gone on probably a score of solid rampages in sporadic playtime, including several where I shot down multiple choppers with unguided shells, and even the occasional sloppy F-35 driver. It’s got plenty of issues, and yes, the series’ peak (which to me was BF:BC2

You know who left SNL the same year Ferrell began? Adam Sandler. If that guy can make Punch Drunk Love and Uncut Gems, bookending classics like Don’t Mess With the Zohan and The Ridiculous 6, I’m guessing pretty much everyone who ever had an association with SNL secretly believes they’re Richard Burton at this point.

Probably my favorite Will Durant quote is “Nothing is often a good thing to do, and always a clever thing to say.”

That’s funny, just this past Friday I refused to join a buddy’s BF2042 session until he disabled crossplay and told him why (~10% of PC players in any given competitive game are inveterate cheaters, and I already have high blood pressure as it is); turned out he only just got the game a couple of days prior and hadn’t

There’s no “likely” about it, if there’s an entire hypothesis and attendant field of study dedicated to examining the disappearance of legions of species at that time (“Pleistocene Overkill”), then yeah, unless one believes that dozens and dozens of speciation events specifically occurred in the past ~10K years

And who’s decision was it to contract those districts’ transport out?  

Yep; love FROM’s games, but any vet knows that most of the enemies are very susceptible to kiting and simply having patience and putting resources into ranged combat will get you through most situations. You’ll still have to deal with some encounters like Capra Demon where you’re effectively pinned and have no choice

It’s awesome; I finally broke down and bought an impact wrench this summer and just used it to put snow tires on my Mazda this week, I can’t believe I was using a stupid lug wrench like a peasant for years. Literally 1 second per nut, two quick pulls of the trigger and bam, done. It’s basically about the same

Don't sweat it, Baby Bobby, there's always Stadia...

I checked on my FR-S based on a reader comment from the earlier article, and Sweet Fancy Moses, Carvana says they’d buy it for $21,500, which is about 40% more than I paid for it four summers ago. I had zero intention of doing this, but if it’s legit, I’m taking the offer and placing an order for a GR86 Premium with

God damn, I’ve got a 2013 whiteout pearl FR-S with <50K and the TRD exhaust package that I paid $15K for 3 1/2 years ago, I suspected it probably hadn’t lost much if any value under current conditions but that is insane. My “winter/utility” car is currently in the shop, but shit, that IS incredibly tempting given that

I think it speaks more highly of his mom than the series, personally. I’m jealous; my mom read me a few books of The Chronicles of Narnia when I was 3 or 4, and that was pretty much the end of that. Years later I still remember a random conversation I once witnessed back in undergrad, wherein my a GIS professor of

Yes, the NFL Season Ticket package is exclusive to DirecTV and has been, I believe, since it’s inception in the mid-90s, which singlehandedly accounts for a sizeable percentage of their subscribers. Supposedly the league is finally looking at streaming platform options to carry out of market games now, as well, so

The Toroid Rubberdingus GT is endorsed by Dr. Steve Brule, so it can’t be that bad.

Does that mean the dev is worth 20x as much as Elisha?  

Compared to the NFL suing M.I.A. for $16M for the unpardonable sin of flipping off a Super Bowl audience, this seems like a pretty measured response...