You had me at “tiny pink pantsuit”.
You had me at “tiny pink pantsuit”.
There have been a number of court cases about that type of question, and as far as I know the conclusion has always been that police do not have a responsibility to respond to requests for help.
Right? Sure, it’s not ideal for her to be sitting on the floor, but except for people who are offended by (1) the fact that no gives up their seat for a person with a child or (2) the fact that there are not enough seats or (3) the fact that we can’t find a more efficient system for handling people’s issues, why is…
Sure, but that’s the kind of joke which should only be made be a Latinx person.
Debt collection is a wild west, from what I understand, so I’m not convinced this is the way to go. Sometimes debts get sold multiple times in parallel, meaning people may still get harassed about it, and the money they pay may just going to some random person somewhere in the chain of sales.
Are you saying “If I hug you I might just want more” could be said in a non-creepy way? What is “more” than a hug? Something romantic, presumably, unless you can think of something else? And jokes about something romantic in the wrong context are undeniably creepy. What is the wrong context? Well, mostly anything…
I’m skeptical of a system that automatically assumes a certain story, announces that story as if there were no doubt, walks the story back when it because clear that at least some of it is untrue, and then follows the exact same procedure next time.
Yeah, I wish they wouldn’t even try to retrieve his body.
I’d like to see the group that actually sent him prosecuted instead of some duped fishermen. And every church and individual that supports that group with financial donations. And then hosts visits from their missionaries in the field to explain to the church, before a potluck, what great work they’re doing.
These xenophobic missionizing Christians just looooove click languages because of that stupid joke about the guy who wanted to speak in tongues but all he could do was click with his tongue...
Thanks for sharing.
Or, if it’s not disruptive, be the actual teacher and don’t address it, which just ends up wasting everyone else’s time.
“Win or lose, Abrams is asserting that the gracious thing to do is not to concede in the face of the possibility of a loss but to listen to voters and fight for their rights”
As a gay woman who has trouble getting emotionally invested in most straight romances, Queen Latifah is basically the only woman who can sell me a straight love story every time. Whether she owns a beauty shop or has insane car-driving skills, I just want her to get whatever she wants, and if what her character wants…
“Merseal’s sons recorded the incident on his iPad and sent it to her”
“and even if it does affect them, it hurts black and brown people more, so that’s OK too” yup, you just described the entire plan: stoke racism enough that poor whites would have a reason to side with rich whites about race rather than fight them about class.
Didn’t Warren v. District of Columbia basically establish that cops have no duty to protect? Doesn’t that mean that they legally don’t have to investigate? If they can fail to show up when people’s house has been invaded, they can tell us white ladies they’re not going to send someone if the strongest thing they have…
Totally agree with everything you’ve said. We put people in jail for *our* safety (well, that’s what we should be doing, and we’re not, but that’s a larger discussion), and the minimum requirement for human decency, when we do that, is to ensure *their* safety and quality of life. There’s no way to do that when …
I really disagree that anyone should necessarily be considered “too far gone”. The point of our prison system should be rehabilitation. Sure, some people won’t succeed (or even want to succeed at that), but that doesn’t justify us in not making that a priority.
Yes, totally agree. The class is already shot for that kid. 1) Don’t ruin for everyone else to, 2) don’t introduce violence, and 3) try to remedy the situation going forward, rather than try to save today, which is a lost cause.