
The correct answer is a 2.0 T5 NG900 or 9-3, with the Viggen Rescue Kit and a Holset turbo. 9000s are sweet but it’s hard to find a clean non-TCS car, and even then they can be pretty expensive to unfuck. There’s a running ‘96 in Chanhassen, MN for $750, for instance.

oh my god I get you want attention but when you repost tabloid articles you become a fucking tabloid

Actually, this couldn’t work in America. Our copyright and patent laws here require that you actively prosecute violations of your intellectual property or forfeit your rights to it. See the dozens of absurd violation notices served, many of them come about because the person making the challenge knows it’s nonsense

In need of advice here. I’ve always been a car enthusiast but I’ve been without a car for around a year in a new city. I’ve been biking pedal-power year-round (in Minnesota!) and will continue to do so for any trip under 10 miles, at least. Making my every day commute totally gas free has been a huge cost saving. I’ve

550 HP / 4.0 Liters... for comparison, that’s a whopping 22% more specific output than Saab got reliably from a reworked Triumph slant-4 with cast pistons 10 years ago, so I’m sure Porsche managed

Thanks a lot, Saab.

Your central point has a lot of truth. Leftist movements have a fundamentally different philosophy than the right, so the violence both enacted and perceived will be different. What’s the greater violence: Nazis taking to the street fearlessly because the police will protect them, or counter protestors refusing to

Common myth. It’s not that hard to start a fire when it’s cold out. Regrettably, I can still smoke in the dead of winter. Snow also isn’t that big an issue because it’s often too cold.

Definitely. I think Kahn v Ilhan will become an increasingly familiar narrative as communities here are less willing to simply look across the party isle to the side that represents them, and instead decides to grow it’s own political organization. In this case it was simply a matter of fielding an organic candidate

“The poor” don’t lack motivation, they lack means. Try working full time for $8 an hour at a job you need a car to get to, living at minimum in a shared bedroom for $400 a month (meaning around $500 after utilities), and trying to pay for food and god knows what else.

As a former bay area resident, I feel the need to clarify: There’s a very good chance it’s “Starr.”

Actually, yeah! Glad you’re keeping up.

I’d be afraid because of someone like you, who thinks its their job to sort people out, and sure as hell isn’t going to take much time to find something wrong.

I’ll give you a hint who’s here legally: it’s around 2% of the population, and I’m guessing it ain’t you.

Yeah, I love how when I see a Sanders sticker, it makes me afraid due to my race, gender or sexual identity, or resident status.

Rubio was the only dude up there with manners besides Kasich. I’m frankly surprised he didn’t win. Maybe if he had a real organization behind him he would have, but never underestimate MN’s mistrust of the outside midwest.

Uh, sorry dude, but “one whole fucking chicken” is fine if that’s what makes you happy, but it’s not like you’re doing it because until you finish every last fucking bit of that chicken, you haven’t had enough protein in your meal.

You consume 84g of protein in a single sitting? Are you insane?

If Trump carries Minnesota I will burn this state down.