[Selina lights up a cigarette, Gary is aghast]
[Selina lights up a cigarette, Gary is aghast]
Anyone else think it’s kinda bunk that not a one of the OG Avengers got ashed?
Ironically, the cliche of the young man who hates mainstream things and thinks he is deep for liking things that came out generations prior (ie, “Hitchock [sic]”) also went out of style in ‘90s.
I think the thing that ruined Golden Circle for me was the “Country Roads” runner. Why in God’s name use a song with “West Virginia” featured heavily in the lyrics when the onscreen text reads “Kentucky, USA”?
“Guns. Lots of guns.”
I really think the little girl’s end line is all he’s ever wanted.
Got some bad news about the rest of showbiz as well, sport.
I was bingeing the series during some time off a couple years ago and I was kinda drunk when this scene rolled around and it was a very delayedand confused “...wait...what?” type of reaction from me. I still have to remind myself it even happened.
I think it was during the commentary on 2 (2003, folks!) where they discussed an implication of the universe they didn’t get a chance to explore in that film or any of the subsequent ones:
Guy Commenting on Wrong Article Due to Kinja? Is that you?
Sure, he’s no Prince Charming...
Could lead to a host of other issues.
Digging the Prince of Persia / Assassin’s Creed parkour, which their own movies failed to incorporate in an exciting way.
“Scheduling conflicts”
Good lord. Go outside, son.
And I even avoided any kind of actual slur! My hypothetical coach is woke af!
I disagree, but live your life.
Yes, that is one of the words I used. Hoser.
It is motivating to a certain kind of person. It’s a work - akin to a coach calling his D-line pansies in order to psyche them up. Others might see it as sociopathic but hey, that’s why we’re not in real estate sales.