
Imagine being this insane.

Bingo - I am not sure she wasn’t unaware of how the heir would feel about his future queen doing something publicly “beneath” her and her position as HIS wife. Possessive.

When Anne says Charles is older than his years, she doesn’t mean the good things about being old (perspective, wisdom, patience), she means that he’s stuffy, rigid, hostile to change, cantankerous, and out of touch.

I always felt like part of her appeal was that she really wasn’t that pretty—she would never have been a movie star and Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle actually both seem more conventionally attractive. But she had an appeal that made her quirky looks even more appealing. She was more memorable and maybe ultimately

Right, 90% of my complaints are summed up by “well, that is what happened” so I get the show can’t really change much about that - It’s the biggest difficulty here where narrative form butts up against reality.

White men do not get to chide white women for being complicit TO THEM.

¿Por què no los dos?

The exact percentage of white men doesn’t need to be mentioned. We all know the overwhelming majority voted for Trump. I’m sure many people would presume much higher than 63%.

“Sit down next to me and take your talking to”?

I also hate that he is getting all of this attention for this bit, as if he is the first comedian to make this point. There are far funnier lady comedians who have been making this point for a while.

I don’t expect bill burr to grow at all. he’s an old white man catering to old white men. 

I said way back in January that when the Jude Law characters come out of the woodwork, and they will, we should shoot them on sight.

If Bernie Bros (and Bernie’s narcissistic insistence on running again in 2020) made me wish I’d never heard of him, Jezebel’s constant coloring of any candidate who’s not Bernie as ‘iMpUrE’ or ‘jUsT lIkE tRuMp!!!11' makes me actively fucking hate the man.

Saw what I, a person who supported Hillary in the primary and general, did?

If voting had anything to do with it, the VP wouldn’t be the woman who got pantsed by Tulsi on national tv, had her sister mismanage her campaign till it was in debt, and had to drop out because she was polling at 5th in her own state.